Napisalem do adminow BF1942 w CB takiego o to maila :
I ve been playing Battlefield1942 and I have a question for you.
Polish is country where the local inernet provider who carries 95%
users has bad outdoor connection on the world - it means that when we
are playing against another clan from western Europe we lose with our
ping and packet losses. I know from other games that you provide
country-ladders so can you make a clanbase-ladder for
Polish users in BF1942? In past we have been playing in other games
and we have a practice with using CB and its features.
There are curently 7 polish clans but we can observe rapid
increasing of players so we could start the polish ladder if you
would make us a ladder.
Can you make it for us?
BTW : Sory for poor english
No i wreszcie odpowiedz :
Please make this request on the helpdesk and have 10 clanleaders of Polish
clans reply *while they are logged in* to that request. We will then
consider making the ladder, but since your arguments are good I don't think
your request will be denied.
Best regards,
Pimp Jr.
No panowie 10 klanow i jedziemy polski clanbase. Ludzie zakladajcie klany !!!! Z tego co widze jest 7 polskich klanow jeszcze 4 i ostra jazda w polskiej drabince moze sie zaczac
Moderatorzy : Zrobcie ten topic STICKY bo chyba wszystkim Polakom zalezy na starcie polskiej edycji drabinki ClanBase.