Jest tu opisane jak radzic sobie z błedami w grze, dzwiekowymi graficznymi, jak wywalac z servera itp zapraszam do czytania.
The email box is now open for business.
This email address gives you a direct line of communication to Battlefield Headquarters, whose mission is to support the troops in the field.
This week’s special assignment: Send us any reports of sound problems out there in the field.
To best help us, we ask that you create an EAsy info file that contains information about your system, BFHQ can then work with DICE to use this information to determine what the cause of the sound problems is. Note that this information will NOT be given to anyone apart from the BFHQ team and will solely be used for support purposes only.
How do I create an EAsy info file you ask? It’s simple!
From your desktop, go to your Start menu and click" start/programs/EA
GAMES/Battlefield 1942/EAsy Info"
OR if you have Battlefield 1942: The Road To Rome installed, go to your Start menu and click start/Programs/EA GAMES/Battlefield 1942: The Road To Rome/EAsy Info".
Once the program is done profiling your system, click the "Save Info" button on the left. A text file is created on your desktop. Simply email this file as an attachment to
Even if you don’t want to create an EAsy info file, we’d still like to hear your reports! We here at BFHQ/DICE/EA are dedicated to supporting the fans that are ultimately responsible for how big this game has become.
In other news...
DICE and EA are still hard at work implementing fixes on some of the issues with the 1.3 patch, so this week we’re going to re-brief you on some things you should have already known!
BF1942 “Did You Know” Facts
changing the sound hardware acceleration in the front end menu -- this may help your overall sound performance.
You can add players to your in-game buddy list with the "game.addplayertobuddy" list command. Simply use the "game.listplayers" command to get player ID numbers for your teammates. Then use the "game.addplayertobuddylist" command with the appropriate player ID number. Your buddies will appear differently on the minimap!
You can use the "chat.oldchatliststyle 1" command in the console to format the in-game text as it was in the 1.2 patch.
You can disable trilinear filtering by adding the following line to your "videodefault.con" file: "renderer.usetrilinearfiltering". Disabling this may improve performance.
You can allow all refresh rates that your monitor supports by changing the "renderer.allowallrefreshrates 0" to "renderer.allowallrefreshrates 1" in your "videodefault.con" file. Higher refresh rates are easier on one’s eyes. Make sure you only use a refresh rate that your monitor will support.
You can use the in-game voting system to kick/ban players, or change the map. Here are instructions for using the voting system:
Voting in Battlefield 1942
When a poll is initiated in BF1942, each player tells the server which candidate they are voting for. The candidate with the most votes at the end of the poll wins. I'll use map voting as an example:
vote for a map, use the "game.voteMap" command and use the map ID number as an argument.
You can find the ID numbers for maps by using "game.listMaps".
You can only vote for a map that the server has in its map list.
When you run the "game.listMaps" command while connected to a server, you'll see a list like this:
Map 0: Berlin
Map 1: Bocage
Map 2: Tobruk
Map 3: Stalingrad
So let's say you want to vote for Tobruk. In the console, you enter "game.voteMap 2". At this point, a message is broadcast to all players that a new poll has begun. Each player then has a certain amount of time to cast their vote for the map they want to change to ("game.voteMap 3" or "game.voteMap 0" and so on). The map with the most votes after the time limit wins the vote -- as long as its total number votes is above a certain percentage of all the votes.
Displays a list of maps / players and their corresponding ID numbers.
game.voteMap <ID>
game.voteKickPlayer <ID>
game.voteKickTeamPlayer <ID>
Cast a vote for a map to change to, or player to be kicked, or player on your team only to be kicked.
admin.voteMapMajority <0.0 - 1.0>
admin.voteKickPlayerMajority <0.0 - 1.0>
admin.voteKickTeamPlayerMajority <0.0 - 1.0>
The required percentage of votes a candidate needs to win. Default is 0.6 (60%).
admin.enableMapVote <0 or 1>
admin.enableKickPlayerVote <0 or 1>
admin.enableKickTeamPlayerVote <0 or 1>
Enable or disable voting for these categories. Default is 1 (enabled). admin.votingTime
The amount of time players have to vote after the first vote is cast. Default is 30 (seconds).
BF 1942 Custom Maps
Our own [EA]Zucot recently came across an interesting map entitled “Xhao’s Rift” You can download this bad boy and other custom maps from
That’s it for this week soldiers, stay tuned to this site for more news as it breaks.
EAComMike and the rest of the Battlefield 1942 team!
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