Hello everybody,
as mentioned in the title of our news, we have decided to close division 2 for this season. The reason for this is obvious:
only three teams of formerly six remained; the three teams that left had a lack of members or quitted playing FH until FH2 will be released. We hope to see you guys back in the FHL in future!
The remaining teams of Division 2 have been moved to division 1 and will face their new opponents there.
As we have an odd number of nine teams there now, each round one team will unfortunately have no opponent.
It will be mentioned in the upcoming match news for round 2 which team will have no match.
The FHL-Cup will be played out at the end of the season between the first eight teams of the season`s final tables.
That`s all for the moment- cu soon!
Best regards,
Podsumowujac skasowali druga lige i teamy z niej przeniesli do pierwszej ligi - czyli wszystko po staremu
Pain Is Weakness Leaving The Body