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PostNapisane: 28 gru 2005, 00:12 

Dołączył(a): 30 sie 2005, 12:45
Posty: 175
Lokalizacja: Kołbiel
na total bf2 znalazlem druga częśc wywiadu z DICE

TotalBF2.com: There are many comments being made about the helicopter missiles. Can you go into more detail on why this was changed?

Armando: When we began the patch process, there were many complaints about the power of the air vehicles. We take the input from the community seriously. The first suggestion, was to reduce the missile count. This limits the way a helicopter can attack an area. Frankly, I'm rather puzzled by the reaction to this. Lars, our franchise director, lives and breathes this game. The game is what it is because of his direction. He felt this would be a change for the better, and so he suggested it to me. I have the final say on what goes into the patch, so I evaluated the suggestion. In my opinion, it will make the game play better overall.

TotalBF2.com: What ever happened to BFTV?

Armando: BFTV is not dead yet. It was actually something that was proposed for one of the patches. I'm sorry to say though that, at this time, it is not on our agenda for a patch. BFTV is one of those features that has more complexity to it than one might think, complexity beyond just the technical implementation.

TotalBF2.com: It still appears that many people are being affected by the Red Name Tag problem. Will this be resolved in the next patch?

Armando: My policy is to not say anything about what may not make its way into a patch. I don't want the community to get worked up about something that may not happen. However, on this point I will make an exception. We are working on this bug. The problem we are having is that we need a reproducible case in order to know exactly what needs to be fixed. I have asked the community for any information that they know of regarding the server they were playing on, whether autobalance was on or not, how many players where in the game, and whether the players with the incorrect nametag color were team switched or not.

Even if we don't nail it down for 1.2, we will continue to search for the cause.

TotalBF2.com: What about new content? Can we expect some new maps or weapons to make the list in this patch, or possibly even a future patch?

Armando: Other than the addition of two new unlock weapons (for the sniper and AT), there will not be more content in the patch. There is a plan for additional content as we move forward, but patches will not be the means of delivering this new content.

TotalBF2.com: Is there any news on the Final build of the editor? A possible ETA on the release?

Armando: The eta on the next build of the editor looks to be the same as the patch date. As we continue to create content, we continue to work with the editor and find areas where it can be improved.

TotalBF2.com: Will there be any possible performance issues resolved, such as lag or performance enhancements like faster load times?

Armando: We are addressing performance issues. Whether they will be completely resolved or not is a different matter. We have found gains in the game that have yielded an improvement in frame rate. We are looking into improving lag, but I have no news on that matter as of yet. As far as load times go, if we find something that will help, we will surely include it.

TotalBF2.com: We noticed an issue on maps with rough terrain. We have found a problem with the invisible collision mesh on some vehicles, the most noticeable being the M1A1 as illustrated here verses the T90 model seen here. What happens is they take an EXTREME amount of damage when they hit the rough terrain, so much more than the other it is a HUGE disadvantage.

Armando: Yes, we are aware of this. The issue isn't as straight forward as you might expect. Altering the collision creates other issues. We need to find a solution that fixes the problem without creating another in its wake.

We'd like to thank Armando Marini from DICE for taking the time to answer our questions once again! Remember, DICE always reads the forums to find out what you guys are looking for in the next patches. The more feedback available for them, the faster they can come out with patches and prioritize the more important bugs.


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 28 gru 2005, 00:15 
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Dołączył(a): 7 lip 2005, 15:35
Posty: 157
Lokalizacja: Warszawa
byłem pierwszy :P , ale może leszy jest oddzielny temat 8)


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 28 gru 2005, 00:16 

Dołączył(a): 30 sie 2005, 12:45
Posty: 175
Lokalizacja: Kołbiel
ojej113 napisał(a):
byłem pierwszy :P , ale może leszy jest oddzielny temat 8)

No nie zauwazylem nigdzie wiec dalem nowy temat :wink:

EDIT: ojejejej rzeczywiscie :shock:


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 28 gru 2005, 00:21 
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Dołączył(a): 7 lip 2005, 15:35
Posty: 157
Lokalizacja: Warszawa
Wracając do tematu. Najbardziej mnie cieszy chyba to:

Swirol napisał(a):
We are addressing performance issues. Whether they will be completely resolved or not is a different matter. We have found gains in the game that have yielded an improvement in frame rate.

Nistety smuci mnie to:
Swirol napisał(a):
We are looking into improving lag, but I have no news on that matter as of yet. As far as load times go, if we find something that will help, we will surely include it.


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 28 gru 2005, 01:44 
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Dołączył(a): 2 lip 2005, 12:50
Posty: 1650
Lokalizacja: Dublin
A mnie cieszy to (jeśli dobrze skumałem :wink: ):

Other than the addition of two new unlock weapons (for the sniper and AT)

There will always be a battlefield...

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 28 gru 2005, 01:55 
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Dołączył(a): 25 sty 2005, 19:40
Posty: 2627
Lokalizacja: Alt Stettin/Birmingham UK
lkasprzak napisał(a):
A mnie cieszy to (jeśli dobrze skumałem :wink: ):

Other than the addition of two new unlock weapons (for the sniper and AT)

for the sniper
to jest ciekawe jak ja 12k pkt zrobie na nowego unlocka :P


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 28 gru 2005, 10:40 
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Dołączył(a): 26 paź 2005, 14:31
Posty: 612
Lokalizacja: Łódź
Other than the addition of two new unlock weapons (for the sniper and AT)",
. Ciekawe czy przebije SWD, bo jak narazie to on jest najlepszy 8)


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 28 gru 2005, 11:15 
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Dołączył(a): 10 gru 2004, 22:14
Posty: 505
Lokalizacja: Manchester
Yamsza napisał(a):
Ciekawe czy przebije SWD, bo jak narazie to on jest najlepszy 8)

łeee co ty mowisz M24 jest the best a w SWD wkuzaja mnie te "ptaszki" zamiast celownika :)

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 28 gru 2005, 11:40 

Dołączył(a): 25 gru 2002, 21:45
Posty: 506
Lokalizacja: malopolska
There is a plan for additional content as we move forward, but patches will not be the means of delivering this new content.

czyli co? zegnajcie darmowe mapy?

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 28 gru 2005, 12:07 
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Dołączył(a): 12 lip 2004, 15:16
Posty: 617
niech sobie te zmiany w magiczne oko wsadzi ten DICE FPS niech poprawią dziady :lol: :lol:


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 28 gru 2005, 13:35 
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Dołączył(a): 15 wrz 2005, 16:26
Posty: 1207
Lokalizacja: Warszawa
Lisek_M36 napisał(a):
Yamsza napisał(a):
Ciekawe czy przebije SWD, bo jak narazie to on jest najlepszy 8)

łeee co ty mowisz M24 jest the best a w SWD wkuzaja mnie te "ptaszki" zamiast celownika :)

zalezy co i do czego
M24 ma większy zomm i jest najcelnieją bronią w grze, dodatkowo ma najmniejszy procent strzałów "zniknietych" w podprzestrzeni

SWD zato o wiele lepiej się sprawdza na średnim dystansie (zwłaszcza jeżeli ktoś się nauczył robić heady bez 15s przymiarki)

jednak M24 w swojej dziedzinie konkurenta niema, zaś SWD można sobie zastapić L85A1 albo G36C (nastawiając się na poł-kontakt i sporadyczne zejście do parteru)

IGN - Khav
Kolec da Pr0fessor

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 28 gru 2005, 16:08 
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Dołączył(a): 15 maja 2004, 16:53
Posty: 497
Lokalizacja: Chorzów
hmmm napisał(a):
There is a plan for additional content as we move forward, but patches will not be the means of delivering this new content.

czyli co? zegnajcie darmowe mapy?

Dokładnie.. teraz będziemy grać do ####### w mapy dostarczone na początku. Wake chyba był wyjątkiem.. a tak czekałem na jakąś porządną czołgową mapke :(. Ani 1 takiej nie ma w BF2 :( :( :(

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: We are the [SPQR]... resistance is futile :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 28 gru 2005, 17:23 
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Dołączył(a): 15 wrz 2005, 16:26
Posty: 1207
Lokalizacja: Warszawa
calavero napisał(a):
hmmm napisał(a):
There is a plan for additional content as we move forward, but patches will not be the means of delivering this new content.

czyli co? zegnajcie darmowe mapy?

Dokładnie.. teraz będziemy grać do ####### w mapy dostarczone na początku. Wake chyba był wyjątkiem.. a tak czekałem na jakąś porządną czołgową mapke :(. Ani 1 takiej nie ma w BF2 :( :( :(

pozwolę sobie zauwazyć że BF2 jest osadzony w realiach wojny współczesnej (tak pomiędzy 1990 a 2005 ;) ) a nie II Wojny Światowej
i raczej nie ujrzysz "bitwy pancernej"
teraz poprostu jak jest większe zgrupowanie wrogiego złomu to się tam wysyła samoloty szturmowe, helikoptery bojowe albo poprostu napie.......ra artylerią

ale nie trać jeszcze ducha walki
biorąc pod uwagę jaką nadzieję weterani z poprzednich BFów pokładają w FH2 to tam pewnie nam zaaplikują łuk kurski i ardeny 8)

IGN - Khav
Kolec da Pr0fessor

 Zobacz profil  
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