Info odnośnie BF2:SF
- When you install patch 1.12 for Battlefield before you installed Special Forces expansion. you will have to install patch 1.12 again in order to play on servers updated to 1.12
- Crash solved when players switch weapon with the mousewheel, while sitting in a jet (SU-34, F-15 and J10).
- In the map The Iron Gator the grapplinghook and zip-line have been removed from the kits.
- Loadingscreens for singleplayer noiw show the signature for map choise.
- Players now can click the awards for BF2:SF in the menu's and read the recommendations.
- The browser shows BF2:SF severs with a green 2-icon
- Improvement in sticking of the zip line and grappling hook.
- Problem with the damagestatus icon for artillery on the 3D map solved. this problem occured when the artilley was beeing destroyed
- GeForce FX 5900 series:
GeForce FX 5900 Ultra
GeForce FX 5900
GeForce FX 5900XT
GeForce FX 5950 Ultra
GeForce FX 5900ZT
GeForce PCX 5900
- With these cards the standard video settings are set to LOW.
the GRAPPLING HOOK is part of the assault- and anti-tankkits.
You throw it with the controls for primary and secondary weapon.
Press 'E'to grab the rope and releasing it. you climb with the directionkeys.
You can attach it on all static objects in the world and not on terrain and vehicles.
With all assault an anti-tankkits you can pick up any grappling hook als the ones of the enemy team, as long as you don't already own one.
- The zip line is part of the spec. ops. and sniper kits.
You fire the rope with the left mouse button, with the right mouse button you check if the object is suitible for connection. When the rope is attached you can climb it with 'E'. You will automaticly slide down. With all Spec. Ops. and sniper kits you can pick up a Zip Line even the enemy ones.
As long as you don't already have a Zip line.
- With Battlefield 2:Special Forces you also install a new update. With this new content you can no longer play with users of Battlefield 2 1.03 via internet or LAN.
You need update 1.1 or later to play with players who only own Battlefield 2.
- In order to play Special Forces with multiple people on the internet you will need to download the most new update from EA.
- NIGHT VISON is standard binded to the '7'-button when you activate it you will be able to see more clearly in dark areas. It works on a battery that slowly empty's while use and regenerates when night vision is turned off.
the GRAPPLING HOOK is part of the assault- and anti-tankkits.
You throw it with the controls for primary and secondary weapon.
Press 'E'to grab the rope and releasing it. you climb with the directionkeys.
You can attach it on all static objects in the world and not on terrain and vehicles.
With all assault an anti-tankkits you can pick up any grappling hook als the ones of the enemy team, as long as you don't already own one.
- The zip line is part of the spec. ops. and sniper kits.
You fire the rope with the left mouse button, with the right mouse button you check if the object is suitible for connection. When the rope is attached you can climb it with 'E'. You will automaticly slide down. With all Spec. Ops. and sniper kits you can pick up a Zip Line even the enemy ones.
As long as you don't already have a Zip line.
- With FLASHBANG you can blind other players it is used the sme way as a hand-grenade.
When it explodes everyone in the area will be blinded als victims on greater distance watching the explosion.
- TEARGAS hangs in a area for a while. When active everyone in the cloud is affected. Victims get blinded and can no longer sprint. use the gasmask (default key '8') to protect yourself againt the teargas. once affected by it, you can't use the gasmask in order to heal.
It only protects you against more teargas.
UNLOCKING (unlocks from Special Forces can be used in normal BF2)
- While on maps from Battlefield 2™: Special Forces, you have the abiltiy to unlock weapons from Battlefield 2™: Special Forces to use them on maps from the original BF2. These unlocks are seen as second degree unlocks. The ordinary Unlocks are seen as first degree unlocks. you first must unlock the first degree weapon from a specific kit before you can unlock the second degree weapon. Like with the assault kit you first need to unlock the G3 in order to unlock the F2000 for this kit.
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P.S. Instalka BF2:SF zajmuje dodatkowo 3 GB
