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PostNapisane: 23 lut 2006, 18:49 
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Dołączył(a): 28 lis 2005, 11:01
Posty: 248
Meewosh47 napisał(a):
Wtedy byłby pixelcamping na dalekie odległości.

tylko nie pixel camping ja nie campie :P

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 23 lut 2006, 18:54 
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Dołączył(a): 12 lip 2005, 21:33
Posty: 400
Lokalizacja: Rzeszow
Z zaprzyjaznionych zrodel zdobylem liste PRAWDZIWYCH poprawek.

Real changelist:

- Fixed Hummer with TOW crash on Battlefield 2: Special Forces maps (Leviathan and Night Flight)
- Fixed battle Recorder crash
- Fixed screen capture (now able to use print screen)
- Solved issues with PS1.4 on (ATi 8500)
- Reduced the number of claymroes that can be dropped to 2
- Adjusted AA Missle behaviour
- Fixed the Server Browser filter to enable search by map
- Client Server/Synch reversion (see below)
- Tank shells and grenade launchers occasionally don't get rendered when fired
- Occasional dual medic/supply packs are displayed on high latency (300 ping)
- Many weapons don't make a sound/animation when others fire them, this is a big deal as you have no way of knowing what direction you are being shot from
- Grenade launcher grenades and rocket launcher rockets now often disappear after being fired without an explosion
- Hit indictor often doesn't display for sniper rifles and some other weapons
- Packet loss/Lagg bug. 1.2 seemed to of caused lots of short moments where there is a major lag where information is not being sent properly from the player to server.
This includes sniper rifle zooming in, few moments later the person unzooms automatically due to lag because the server wasn't aware the person zoomed in, in the first place. AT Rocket firing and going through armoured vehicles then the rocket not registered as fired, because the server was never aware the person shot. This also includes a hand grenade problem, someone tries to throw but through lag it doesn't happen, the user tries again and two are thrown.
- Mystery death - you die without hearing a shot, seeing a hit indicator or reading how/whom on the console. A simple "player is no more".
- Name bug where a player's name only shows up after they have been killed
- F2000 sometimes depletes the entire clip in one shot, which if they kill an enemy you sometimes don't get the kill.
- Blackhawk flares glitch

Have fun.


A tu mozesz mnie sprawdzic - Veres - http://tiny.pl/xh88 - Bf2 Tracker

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PostNapisane: 23 lut 2006, 19:26 
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Dołączył(a): 7 lip 2005, 11:21
Posty: 2210
Lokalizacja: Warszawa
Jeżeli rzeczywiscie to wszystko zostalo poprawione to nic nam nie pozostaje jak sie ieszyc i cierpliwie czekac na 1.21. :D

Rosyjscy żołdacy, won z Gruzji!

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PostNapisane: 23 lut 2006, 19:33 
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Dołączył(a): 1 lis 2005, 17:13
Posty: 649
Szkoda ze nie ma tam (a moze nie umiem czytac) bledu z C4, ktore samo sie przelacza miedzy detonatorem. Czyli np. rzucam c4, chce wysadzic, wciskam prawy przycisk zeby detonator mi sie pojawil, wciskam lewy zeby wysadzic a tutaj kolejne c4 wylatuje itp.

A64 2.4 Ghz | 4x512 MB 400 mhz |Galaxy GF7600GS 256 mb 1.2ns 620/1700 |
Nick w grze: X--=Sgt.Lynx=--X (albo jakos tak...)

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PostNapisane: 23 lut 2006, 19:44 
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Dołączył(a): 7 lip 2005, 11:21
Posty: 2210
Lokalizacja: Warszawa
to wlasnie jest zwiazane z tym lagiem po stronie klienta... myslec troche ludzie!... :roll:

Rosyjscy żołdacy, won z Gruzji!

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 23 lut 2006, 21:09 
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Dołączył(a): 25 gru 2004, 00:08
Posty: 4910
Walatch to co wkleiles widzialem na forum EA i byly to omowione bugi przez jednego z userow. Nie jest to wiec zadna lista porpawek. Zreszta poczytaj jak to brzmi:

- Mystery death - you die without hearing a shot, seeing a hit indicator or reading how/whom on the console. A simple "player is no more".

EA by tak nie napisala changeloga ;]

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 23 lut 2006, 21:20 
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Dołączył(a): 22 cze 2004, 14:20
Posty: 2712
Lokalizacja: Ostrófek
Eee to ja lece na karkand 64 zdobyc odznake materiałów wybuchowych :lol: Teraz praktycznie tylko claymorami można :)

Wszyscy nie moga byc normalni bo świat byłby nudny :wink:

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 23 lut 2006, 22:26 

Dołączył(a): 19 lut 2005, 17:21
Posty: 1694
Tekst jest z forum EA UK , Thx dla Igora i Nomka

While patch 1.2 included several fixes that we know were eagerly awaited, it unfortunately introduced some new issues. These issues are being addressed immediately and we are working around the clock on Patch 1.21. It will be tested in a limited beta with some of the Battlefield Community Clans starting at the end of the week to ensure that the ensuing public release is totally clean.

In addition, we have decided to postpone the Euro Force Booster Pack until after the release of patch 1.21, since we want to make sure that your experience playing Battlefield 2 is the best possible before releasing the Booster Pack. We will update you as soon as we have more information to share.

On a more pleasant note, Battlefield hit somewhat of a milestone last night with over 52,000 players playing online at one time. This is the highest number of players ever in Battlefield 2 at one time and almost 4 times more than the peak number of players in Battlefield 1942.

Thanks in advance for your patience.

/The team at DICE and EA

thanks EA, looks like someone is listening.

i know you are only fixing the main issues, like the ati bug etc.. for this hot fix patch.

For 1.3 patch (after 1.21)
Could one of the admins pass on this list of bugs so far....

LIST UPDATED 21/2/06 20:17 (82 BUGS)
New Bugs:

--- Many weapons don’t make a sound/animation when others fire them; this is a big deal as you have no way of knowing what direction you are being shot from.
--- Quite often when putting the shock pads away un-charged, you get them out to use them again and they do nothing, you keep pressing to revive somebody and nothing happens.
--- Grenade launcher doesn’t bounce for me, some people say it works for them, others say it doesn’t. All I know is I can shoot my feet and kill myself instantly. Grenade launcher timer is out of whack, it arms 0.2 secs out of its tube, not 02 seconds, and this means it can be still fired at player’s feet.
--- Grenade launcher, grenades and rocket launcher rockets now often disappear after being fired without an explosion.
--- Packet Loss/Lag Bug/Server side. 1.2 seemed to of caused lots of short moments where there is major lag where information is not being sent properly from the player to the server.
This includes: Sniper rifle zooming in, few moments later the person unzooms automatically due to lag, because the server wasn't aware the person zoomed in, in the first place. AT Rocket firing and going through an armoured vehicle, then a few moments later the rocket is not fired, because the server was never aware the person shot. This also includes a hand grenade problem, someone tries to throw a hand grenade, but through lag it doesn't happen, the user tries again to throw, then two grenades are thrown.
--- Sometimes I spawn and im sunk into the ground or unable to move, jumping usually fixes this.
--- Some people have claimed to have invisible buildings and trees, mostly ATI big bug.
--- AA Bug, Hard to explain. (Oil tower)
Video: http://media.putfile.com/zataraa
--- Map filter no longer works on server browser.
Video: http://media.putfile.com/map-name-filter-bug
--- Firing a TOW mounted on a HMMWV in Special Forces results in the whole server crashing. Video Note: Sorry to the Comcast server provider, for crashing two of your servers (forgot to film the first time).
Video: http://media.putfile.com/Tow-crash
--- Strange number appears on radar / floor sometimes. (UAV radius in meters?).
--- Mystery death - You die without hearing a shot, seeing a hit indicator, or reading how/whom on the console. A simple "player is no more". Video Note: In this movie the person doesn't die, however there is no shot to be heard, and no person to be seen.
Video: http://media.putfile.com/no-bullet-sound
--- Name bug where a player's name only shows up after they have been killed.
--- F2000 sometimes depletes the entire clip in a single shot, which if they kill an enemy you don't get the points from the kill.'
--- Transport helicopter flares glitch (server side, doesn’t show on client doing it, only to other watching)
Video: http://media.putfile.com/Battlefield-2-12-Blackhawk-bug
--- Medic defilibrator glitch, it recharges while not in use - even if it is not being used for a fraction of a second.
Video: http://media.putfile.com/Medic-bug-12
--- Join Game bug, when a round is over, and a new round commences, clicking the 'Join Game' does not get rid of the round score screen. Was clicking fast and hard in video - video: http://media.putfile.com/join-game-bug
--- Sometimes when game is in session, the join/score screen will pop up again.
--- Squad bug, more than 6 people are in a squad. Pic Note: Look on the left, squad entitled 'QC'.
Picture: http://x7.putfile.com/2/4522330281.png
--- Texture problems, lots of texture errors have been created in 1.2, more specifically on sandbag textures.
Picture: http://x4.putfile.com/2/4915233341.jpg, http://x4.putfile.com/2/4915241656.jpg, http://x4.putfile.com/2/4915233341.jpg
--- Invisible gunner, a bug, discovered by trying to capture footage of other known bugs, that's just how packed 1.2 is with bugs. It seems the kit items of the gunner were slightly visible, but the body is nowhere to be seen.
Video: http://media.putfile.com/Invisible-Gunner
--- Taking a screenshot through Battlefield is no longer possible. (Unless pasting into paint right after)
--- Reload animations loop continuously, most known for the sniper weapons and the DAO-12.
--- Explosives warning skulls for Claymores, AT Mines, and C4, are sometimes not displayed if they are friendly, or sometimes they are displayed if they are the enemy's. Since the 1.2 patch made explosives not to be triggered by friendlies, if there is an enemy mine or claymore with the bug, they could die.
Video: http://media.putfile.com/warning-bug
--- Battlefieldrecorder crashes to desktop when UAV appearing in playing back a recorded demo.
--- Over accurate jets, instant lock ons, Flares don't work in synch.
--- Weapon accuracy/damage is FUBAR, a G36E at 10 feet can empty a whole clip into someone and they don't die, one shot from an AK101/pistol and you're dead!!!
--- Moving from primary weapon to a supply item, using item, and going back to primary weapon, causes primary weapon to drop into single fire mode.
--- Moving from prone to standing, is broken, many times I have stood up, moved forward, only to find myself back in prone in the same place.'
--- The P90 too weak and isn't accurate
--- C4 can't be thrown out of helicopter (Big deal? No).
--- Looping issue commands, you can hear medics say "get first aid here" or “clear” about ten times a second, possibly the same issue as the flares bug.
--- Server Memory leak as described here: http://forum.eagames.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=18341 , also causes clients to CTD when server memory leak happens
--- In Game browser even worse than before, high pings and slowness. Consider having filters for Europe/USA/ASIA only? To reduce slow performance and to much pinging.
--- AT Rockets/TOW missiles go straight through vehicles; I have seen this over twenty times today myself and seen hundreds of players saying this as well.
--- When tank is driving by, you cannot see what is in it (i.e. Engineer symbol, Medic symbol etc.) Can always see support symbol.
--- Sometimes when another player shoots his weapon, the machine gun sounds loops until you fire your own (sometimes that won't stop it either).
--- In BFHQ my rank is "rankname", my next rank is "private" and my progress to next rank is 100% despite being in fact 60%.
--- Hit indicator often doesn’t display for sniper rifles and some other weapons.
--- Massive amounts of graphics lag for very high performance pc users.
--- Mech chopper: The pilot does not hear the cannon firing.
--- Hills and stop signs and other small obstacles damages the Tank significantly (i.e. Drive tank from River Fort to Hotel going around way of Rock on Gulf of Oman will usually take 3 to 5 bars of health).
--- AA missiles are not detoured from aircraft when flares are launched (If you fire to ground AA missiles, 1 will always hit).
--- Range of AA missile seems unlimited; they will continue flying miles pass the red fly zone, (lead to server performance fix?)
--- Unpredictable TK on mines and claymores
--- Zooming feature on snipers and AT, fire reload and zoom immediately, the gun will zoom out and you have to zoom in again.
--- Blackhawk and Mech transport guns to weak. You can shoot a guy and get the X for hitting him, but won’t die. Just a little bit more gun bullet power, but not to much.
--- Tanks can be killed with 1 AT missile and seems to be random on when that will happen.
--- Promised, but not delivered: Eng/Spec Ops cannot pickup mines or C4 respectively.
--- AA missiles will flip on its axis (180 degrees) to target a plane and will not let go until it hits the plane, not matter what.
--- Planes cannot out run AA missiles at all (1 of 2 missiles will hit every time). Even dropping flares will not help, if the AA is fired while pointing at the side of the plane.
--- Ground AA doesn't always lose locks on aircraft when flares are dropped.
--- When engineer in a vehicle, you can pull up to another vehicle and get no indication if you are repairing them (sound only plays sometimes).
--- While in chopper, you can get the animation of repairing and the sound, but the armor indicator stays the same.
--- Add jump and knife feature?
--- Mysterious "AAAARGH" at spawn (so funny, been there since 1.0)
--- Enemy reported units *not showing*
--- Enemy reported units showing as squad members [GREEN]
--- Attack helicopter (USMC/MEC/CHINA) spin on nose in air w/out height loss (neat trick but I class as bug)
--- chute not opening after bumping into a wall during previous chute descent
--- If 2 players are sprinting and they touch each other, they will received minor or significant damage.
--- If 2 players jump off a building, 1 above the other, the player on top will kill the other in mid-air. Can be found on Warlord SAS parachuting spawn point. Fix the bug instead of the spawn point.

Minor Errors:

--- Ribbons can no longer be highlighted/viewed through clicking in the ribbons section in BFHQ, Special Forces awards can only be viewed while the Special Forces mod is activated.
--- Under community menu Special Forces version number is '1.12', however BF2 is labelled 1.2.
--- Incorrect version number in BFHQ.
Video: http://media.putfile.com/version-number-bug
--- The grey text which informs you of whom you killed does not display if you are commander.
Picture: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v1.../commander.jpg

Existing Bugs Still Not Fixed:

--- Red/Blue name tag bug still exists and is now worse then ever.
--- Q (radio rose) when used/pressed makes the mini map zoom out. It very annoying, you always have to re-zoom it to your liking
Video: http://media.putfile.com/redname-bug
--- Half the time it is impossible to run in Special Forces.
--- Veteran tactical support badge and Special Forces medals still can’t be achieved.
--- WCR to high of win/loss ratio (3:1) to be any fun, making people team swap. Consider lowering to 2:1, 3:2 or something
--- Map bug on zatar and Dalian plant still exists despite EA claims it was fixed.
--- Unable to make squads / become commander sometimes.
--- Sometimes you join a server and your a private with no unlocks. (Server side – rank system issue) if you rejoin the server again, you now have unlocks, but rank still private.
--- It is still possible to enter buildings not designed for entering in order to shoot people without being seen.
--- Multiple pack toss - when playing support kit, I'll toss TWO ammo bags with ONE click.
--- Sometimes vehicles go invisible when looking directly at them.
--- When healing or resupplying the 'zipping' sound from a heal or a metal 'ching' from a resupply continuously loops until one is resupplyed or healed again.
--- When you are in a vehicle repairing something, the repair bar comes up, but it's always 100%, you can't see how much you have repaired at all.
--- In some instances, if someone shoots their gun, the shooting sound continues until the person is dead, or shoots again. This happens most frequently to the AKS 74U, however it has been witnessed on other weapons.
--- Shooting a sniper rile, the cocking animation is not played majority of the time, the odd time the whole reload animation doesn't work.
--- 'E Bug' Sometimes typing a text message in game with the letter 'e' often results in the person who is in the vehicle to exit, this is most frustrating while in a plane or helicopter.

Bugs 'Fixed' By 1.2 Patch

81 Bugs (still left / created by the 1.2 patch) and counting, and most bugs fixed by the 1.2 patch, made more bugs.

More are still being found, but that the main lot, i'll add more when people post them.

And make the 1.3 patch fix all problems, and performance increases, BUT make the community, test this patch to destruction, before releasing 1.3 (after 1.21); That way,we would not need any more hotfixes/patches for while (since bugs are always being found)

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 23 lut 2006, 22:42 
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Dołączył(a): 12 lip 2005, 21:33
Posty: 400
Lokalizacja: Rzeszow
Lailonn napisał(a):
Walatch to co wkleiles widzialem na forum EA i byly to omowione bugi przez jednego z userow. Nie jest to wiec zadna lista porpawek. Zreszta poczytaj jak to brzmi:

- Mystery death - you die without hearing a shot, seeing a hit indicator or reading how/whom on the console. A simple "player is no more".

EA by tak nie napisala changeloga ;]

Liste mam od pracownika EA, nie z forum. Dzis/wczoraj dostal patcha w rece i potwierzdil m.in. poprawe z traceniem pakietow (obiawiajacych sie wl/wyl zoom'a).
Nie jest to lista bugow, bo lista bugow jest wiele, wiele dluzsza. Sa to poprawki, ktore EA ponoc poprawila. Ponoc, poniewaz pisali juz nie raz w change-logu ze poprawili, a tak sie nie stalo.

A to, ze tobie brzmi cos dziwnie to juz kwestia gustu. Ale to oni maja za ojczysty jezyk angielski, a ty jak mnieman jako drugi, wiec khm ... ;]


A tu mozesz mnie sprawdzic - Veres - http://tiny.pl/xh88 - Bf2 Tracker

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 23 lut 2006, 23:23 
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Dołączył(a): 17 sty 2006, 12:04
Posty: 125
Lokalizacja: ZGR
Dumch napisał(a):
Eee to ja lece na karkand 64 zdobyc odznake materiałów wybuchowych :lol: Teraz praktycznie tylko claymorami można :)

No ja dzisiaj sobie do kolekcji dołączyłem podstawową broszke :P
Niby nic, ale zawsze jest :D
Z tym C4 to miałeś racje. To już nie to samo :( Strasznie ciężko zdobyć wiele killsów bez możliwości rzucania. Mam nadzieje że to bedzie jakoś poprawione.

[R a z e r is not an aimbot ! ! !

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 23 lut 2006, 23:31 
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Dołączył(a): 25 gru 2004, 00:08
Posty: 4910
Walatch zobacz, ze to co ty wkleiles to jest zywcem wziete z listy bugow opublikowanej m.in na forum EA przez graczy. No chyba, ze sa tak leniwi, ze changeloga pisza na podstawie ctrl+c ctrl+v :lol: Fakt...to mozliwe, to EA :}

Ostatnio edytowano 24 lut 2006, 00:08 przez Lailonn, łącznie edytowano 1 raz

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 23 lut 2006, 23:53 
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Dołączył(a): 12 lip 2005, 21:33
Posty: 400
Lokalizacja: Rzeszow
Nie wiem, nie szlajam sie po zagranicznych forach ;]

Ja tylko przekazuje to co udalo mi sie dowiedziec.


A tu mozesz mnie sprawdzic - Veres - http://tiny.pl/xh88 - Bf2 Tracker

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 25 lut 2006, 19:51 

Dołączył(a): 13 cze 2005, 23:08
Posty: 173
Lokalizacja: Wilanów naturalnie
piękna ta lista Meewosh... najbardzie wkurza chyba... no nie wiem, większość i guess. to z dwoma obok siebie sprintującymi... typowe dla prawego spawnu na karkandzie jak dużo luda pogrywa. może i 1/3 życia zabrać.

co do 1.21 to szkoda mi claymorów. 2 snipów do obrony flagi i mielibyśmy zaporę z 10 clayów.

dobrze że zrobią coś z tym re-zoomem bo to wkurzało, szczególnie przy szybkiej akcji

|MON.BF2|Cochise / [crap]Cochise_PL

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PostNapisane: 25 lut 2006, 20:06 
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Dołączył(a): 22 cze 2004, 14:20
Posty: 2712
Lokalizacja: Ostrófek
Tą samą liste wkleił "Lion" :) kilka stron wczesniej, albo w innym temacie :wink:

Wszyscy nie moga byc normalni bo świat byłby nudny :wink:

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 25 lut 2006, 20:31 
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Dołączył(a): 25 gru 2004, 00:08
Posty: 4910
"Dmuchu" ty jeden :lol:

Tak czy siak za tydzien sie wszystko wyjasni. Jesli jednak bedzie tak malo poprawek to zostana zlinczowani przez graczy :roll:

 Zobacz profil  
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