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Step-by-step guide:
1. Extract all files to a dir of your choice.
2. Open ASE and go to: Tools -> Options -> Tab 'Games'
3. Under 'Program location' you press 'Browse' and point it to the BF2_Connector.exe
4. Open BF2_Connector.ini in notepad.
5. Exchange 'PUTH_PATH_TO_YOUR_EXEFILE_HERE' with your full path to BF2. Make sure the row now reads, depending on your path, BF2.ExePath=F:\BattleField2\bf2.exe or similare.
6. Now you are ready to try to join a server. Take a break or move on to 7.
- If you want to play now -
7. Search down a server in ASE. For now, make sure it has the defualt BF2-port (16567).
8. Right click, 'Connect as Player'.
9. Now the wrapper should start, set everything up, and launch BF2.
10. In the 'Join game'-screen, under 'IP', type 'BF2'. Happy fragging.
Czyli w upraszczeniu:
1. Po poprawnym skonfigurowaniu wedlug instrukcji wybieramy laczenie z ASE na serwer.
2. Zglasza, ze nie mozna, ale bf sie odpala.
3. Logujemy sie
4. Wybieramy zakladke multiplayer.
5. Wybieramy "Connect to IP" i jako ip serwera wpisujemy "
bf2" (bez znakow " )
6. Laczy nam z serwerem, ktory wybralismy.
U mnie dziala.