Natknolem sie wreszcie w internecie na instrukcje jak zrobic w singleplayer'ze mapy na 64 graczy. ponoc ludziom dziala ta metoda.. ale ja mimo dosc odobrej znajomosci angielskiego nie moge tego dokonac postepujac krok po kroku z instrukcja :/. Czy mógł by ktos napisac ja po polsku lub bardziej rozwinac / dokladniej opisac ??
oto ona:
Ok, I'm attaching the 3 zipped files of the Game Modes folders for the following maps:
Daging Oilfields, Dragon Valley, and, Strike at Karkand. Just as an example for Daging Oilfields, go to your:
C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\mods\bf2\Levels\Daqing_oilfields folder, double click on your file in that folder. Again, don't extract any of those files, just click in the top menu of Winzip on the Add button, then select the GameModes folder that you extracted to your Daging_oilfields folder, click Ok, then Ok again, and, if it asks if you want to overwrite your previous files, say Yes.
Also, again I did not make any changes to any of the ai files. These are just opened up 64 Player Maps, and, of course, in your "" file you can choose how many bots you want to play on these maps. My computer can't handle 64, so, I just choose 32, and, remember, too, no pathmaps or anything like that has been added to any of these files.
And, in the same way that you extracted the file to your Levels\Daging_oilfields folder, do the same with Dragon Valley and Strike at Karkand to their respective level folders.
By the way, inside the Dragon Valley Game Modes folder, I did have to delete the sp2 and sp3 folders in order to open up the 64 player map in the sp1 folder. The gameplayobjects.con files in both the sp2 and sp3 folders barely had any information in them anyway. Only the gameplayobjects.con file in the sp1 file had all the necessary info in them.
Hopefully these files will work for you as well as they do for me. Just make sure to follow the above instructions exactly. That's all I did, and, everything works fine. Well, except for addtional ai pathing for the larger maps. But, I'll leave that for far more talented minds to handle.
A pochodzi ze strony: ... topic=2349
Na niej sa tez zalaczone pliki z mapkami na 64 graczy:
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- ... t&id=23646
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