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PostNapisane: 22 lis 2005, 21:56 
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Dołączył(a): 25 gru 2004, 00:08
Posty: 4910
No pracuje, jak pracuje. Poki co rozwaza te zagadnienia:

#1 - [GAMEPLAY] Bunny Hopping/Dolphin Diving/Jump-shooting. The main proposal which is agreed upon is that players cannot shoot/reload while jump, that crawling takes longer to manuever into and that stamina should drop quickly while jumping - no stamina, no jumping.

#2 - [GAMEPLAY] Improve Anti-air. No one suggestion stands out, however here are a selection of comments made : introduce AA infantry, address air-to-air missiles, non-missile AA should have a chance of killing/wounding pilot, planes need addressing choppers less so, stop friendly lock-ons, make AA explode on proximity (flak style), airborne weapons have longer range than AA which makes things worse, team kills lose you too many points. Too easy to dodge.

#3 - [FUNCTIONALITY] Improve the server browser. A wide range of issues with the browser, however the most popular relate to the port and ping of a server displaying incorrectly (or not at all), search functionality should be included, server history added in addition to favourites, and that more filters should be applied in a search.

#4 - [TECHNICAL ISSUE] Fix the red/blue tag issue, where friendly units will show up with a red tag, enemies with a blue tag.

#5 - [GAMEPLAY] Change the teamkill system. This always generated a lengthy explanation, these are the most popular : teamkills for friendly mines, claymores and C4 should be removed, commander should accrue teamkills for artillery kills, vehicle teamkills for passengers needs looking at (jeep crashes, driver gets TKs), jets running over people standing on the runway shouldn't count as a teamkill.

#6 - [GAMEPLAY] Improve weapon accuracy/strength. This includes sniper issues (M95 crosshair being too thick/not powerful enough). Suggestions include lowered stance increases accuracy, general accuracy improvements and where you aim is where you hit.

#7 - [GAMEPLAY] Grenade launcher/Anti-Tank launcher should have a minimum range, and should give splash damage to the firer.

#8 - [GAMEPLAY] Alter the ranking/awards system. Address sergeant awards problems, give additional points for teamwork-related activities, harder targets should give more points (infantry kills tank should give more than tank kills infantry), repair points should be earned faster, commanders get too many points.

#9 - [GAMEPLAY] Mines/C4 should not be destroyable. Should only be removable by engineers (or spec ops for C4). Engineers should receive points for removing enemy mines.

#10 - [TECHNICAL ISSUE] After switching from C4 to the detonator it will frequently switch back to C4 by itself when pressing the detonator rather than C4 blowing up another C4 is placed instead.

#11 - [FUNCTIONALITY] Verifying client data/loading times are excessive, address this and lessen the amount of time required to get into a game.

#12 - [TECHNICAL ISSUE] Mini-map zooming issue which occurred after the 1.03 patch needs addressing. The mini-map now has a habit of zooming in/out on itself.

#13 - [GAMEPLAY] Only the vehicle driver gets capture points on flags - even if the gunner was in the vehicle first. Popular support for drivers and gunners receiving points.

#14 - [GAMEPLAY] Supply crates should not be used to repair commander assets.

#15 - [TECHNICAL ISSUE] Anti-Tank rounds will sometimes fly straight through the target vehicle. Is this a hitbox or latency problem? Needs addressing.

#16 - [GAMEPLAY] Anti-Tank is not the best anti-tank kit, C4 is far more effective. Either give the AT increased damage, reduce armour hitpoints in certain locations or give the AT kit more ammunition.

#17 - [GAMEPLAY] To help prevent TKs mines, C4 and claymores should be given seperate warning icons instead of the red skull.

#18 - [TECHNICAL ISSUE] Various graphical problems, the majority relating to draw distance. Grass draw distance is very short, vehicles at long range will disappear when looking straight at them, interior lighting is too dark, problems with real-time shadows, increase draw distance on lower spec machines.

#19 - [GAMEPLAY] Too many votes are required for an action to happen. Enemy players should not have to vote on removal of friendly commander.

#20 - [GAMEPLAY] Jets/choppers reload too quickly. Should have to land and stop completely to reload.

#21 - [REQUEST] More maps are requested, particularly city/infantry oriented maps.

#22 - [TECHNICAL ISSUE] Control configuration has reserved many standard keys. Full clarification of which keys are reserved is needed. Also address problems with using the right mouse button to move.

#23 - [TECHNICAL ISSUE] Empty vehicles show as targetable/hostile to aircraft. Friendly units need to show up better.

#24 - [TECHNICAL ISSUE] Resolve the infinite reloading animation and infinite gun firing sound problems.

#25 - [GAMEPLAY] Blackhawk still feels overpowered. Minigun splash damage should be reduced, Blackhawk should be brought in line with MEC/Chinese equivalents.

#26 - [REQUEST] Further game modes are requested. Co-op vs bots, CTF and others.

#27 - [GAMEPLAY] Decrease the hitpoints on choppers/jets. They should be vulnerable to small arms fire.

#28 - [GAMEPLAY] Shooting vehicles can often not be rewarding as the driver will bail at the last second. Suggested improvements - points awarded for doing significant damage to a vehicle, drivers suffer "shock effect" when exiting a heavily damaged vehicle.

#29 - [FUNCTIONALITY] Clan tags should be easily removed, also address the problem with not being able to change your in-game name.

#30 - [TECHNICAL ISSUE] Simply put some players are asking for "fix the lag".

Additional issues. Each of these issues received more than one mention, but not enough to be listed above.

- Typing a message ending with "e" then hitting return will exit you from your vehicle.

- What causes the unmodified content error? Can it be fixed?

- Vehicle respawn should be based on the "strength/value" of the vehicle.

- Spec-Ops points should be awarded for destroying carrier guns with C4. More points should be given or fewer C4 should be required to destroy commander assets.

- Body parts clip through walls allowing players to be shot from the other side of the wall.

- Battlefield recorder should be more widely useable. Rewind functionality needs to be built in.

- Fix exploitable gliches on maps, particularly Dragon Valley.

- UAV should not show opposing players who are inside buildings.

- Address issues with the Audigy sound card series.

- 2-5 second spawn immunity/armour/protection would be a benefit.

- Crouch should be togglable.

- A means to prevent voice response "spam" should be found.

- Squad members should gain points for working as a squad.

- Occasionally, flags will "stick" at 99% captured.

- Lack of ranking is hindering mods and custom maps. Introduce an "Approved by EA" map/mod system.

- Tanks should kill choppers with one hit.

- Introduce a warning sound for incoming artillery.

- Players who use kamikaze tactics should not earn points.

- Jets are overpowered.

- More support should be introduced for Punkbuster. Prevent newer hack/cheats scripts from being used.

- Address random inexplicable crashes.

- Spawn points often need to be selected multiple times in order for a player to spawn.

- Unlocked weapons should be usable in offline play.

- Remove the "EA News" popup.

- Introduce a server "queue" where you can wait to join, rather than have to attempt to join the server multiple times.

Efekt "burzy mozgow" poznamy za jakis czas...

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 22 lis 2005, 21:59 
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Dołączył(a): 2 cze 2005, 17:49
Posty: 607
Lokalizacja: Dąbrowa Górnicza
No nieźle, jeśli większosc z tego sie spełni, będzie naprawde dobrze :D


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 22 lis 2005, 22:06 
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Dołączył(a): 10 gru 2004, 22:14
Posty: 505
Lokalizacja: Manchester
no duzo tych zalozen, w sumie mogli by to poprawic :) :) :)
ale jak ja sobie pomysle ile taki patch z tylkoma poprawkami bydze wazyl to .................eh plakac mi sie chce

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 22 lis 2005, 22:10 
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Dołączył(a): 19 mar 2005, 11:32
Posty: 95
Lokalizacja: Wawka- Imielin
Uwaga, zwracam uwagę na czytanie ze zrozumieniem
To jest lista postulatów od graczy zebrana na brytyjskim foroom BF2, wysłana do programistów odpowiedzialnych za patche do BF2. Nikt nie powiedział, że będzie to wogóle wzięte pod uwagę, choć niewątpliwie byłoby to dobrym posunięciem


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 22 lis 2005, 22:13 
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Dołączył(a): 6 mar 2003, 11:56
Posty: 1060
Lokalizacja: Lębork
niektórzy forumowi poeci nie potrafią czytać ze zrozumieniem :lol: :wink:

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 22 lis 2005, 22:14 
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Dołączył(a): 28 paź 2005, 17:25
Posty: 254
Lokalizacja: Olsztyn
No fajnie by było. Ciekawe czy to nie są tylko mrzonki...

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 22 lis 2005, 22:16 
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Dołączył(a): 2 cze 2005, 17:49
Posty: 607
Lokalizacja: Dąbrowa Górnicza
rogI napisał(a):
Uwaga, zwracam uwagę na czytanie ze zrozumieniem
To jest lista postulatów od graczy zebrana na brytyjskim foroom BF2, wysłana do programistów odpowiedzialnych za patche do BF2. Nikt nie powiedział, że będzie to wogóle wzięte pod uwagę, choć niewątpliwie byłoby to dobrym posunięciem

To zmienia znacząco postac rzeczy. W takiej sytuacji wątpie by wzieli te, jak najbardziej słuszne, uwagi do serca :( .


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 22 lis 2005, 22:19 

Dołączył(a): 25 gru 2002, 21:45
Posty: 506
Lokalizacja: malopolska
pewne sa 2 rzeczy nad ktorymi "pracuje" EA tzn. kolejny patch (moze z jakas mapa) i kolejny platny dodatek :twisted:

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 22 lis 2005, 22:20 
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Dołączył(a): 6 mar 2003, 11:56
Posty: 1060
Lokalizacja: Lębork
tradycyjnie EA pokazuje graczom "dobre chęci" :lol:

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 22 lis 2005, 22:22 
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Dołączył(a): 1 lis 2005, 17:13
Posty: 649
Niezle, jakby spelnili chociaz polowe tego to bym sie cieszyl. Najlepsze jest rozbrajanie min itp wkoncu by niektre klasy nabraly na znaczeniu, bo co taki mechanik moze zrobic, wiekszosc w czolgach itp jedzie na pale, ginie i tyle. I taki mechanik bezrobotny biega po mapie, po co to komu.

A64 2.4 Ghz | 4x512 MB 400 mhz |Galaxy GF7600GS 256 mb 1.2ns 620/1700 |
Nick w grze: X--=Sgt.Lynx=--X (albo jakos tak...)

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 22 lis 2005, 22:22 
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Dołączył(a): 13 wrz 2005, 19:37
Posty: 108
Lokalizacja: okolice Gliwic
A choć raz mogli by posłuchać postulatów graczy...chociaż części. Na pewno by na tym źle nie wyszli :)

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 23 lis 2005, 00:11 
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Dołączył(a): 12 mar 2003, 05:17
Posty: 5637
Lokalizacja: Pruszcz Gdański
Lista życzeń (wcale nie pobożnych) wysłana do EA przez graczy. Jak 10% z tego zrobią będzie sukces. Zapewne i tak byłoby to te mniej istotne 10%. Zresztą niektóre postulaty są IMHO bezsensowne (niewykonalne technicznie. Na przykład niepokazywanie na UAV wrogów w budynkach - jak to zrobić - chyba nowy engine byłby potzrebny. A jak by to zrobili - ile możliwości dla nowych bugów to otwiera.
Zresztą niektóre propozycje są wręcz bezsensowne. Możliwość niszczenia min na przykład. EA ledwo to wprowadziła - czemu miałaby to od razu usuwać? Splash damage od granatnika/AT na strzelającym - przecież jest to uwzględnione. Wzmocnienie TA vs czołgi - w 1.3 IMHO wzmocniono czołgi w wtosunku do AT (i gra się fajnie( - czemu teraz mieliby znowu wracać do punktu wykścia?

Anyway - nie róbcie sobie zbytnich nadziei. Zresztą gdyby chcieli to wszystko zrobić - zajęłoby to im wiele miesięcy ciężkiej pracy, ponieważ niektóre z tych zmian sa naprawde poważne.


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 23 lis 2005, 00:15 
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Dołączył(a): 28 maja 2005, 00:07
Posty: 698
Lokalizacja: Z lufy
Robienie niezniszczalnych min jest bezsensowne :) nie mówiąc, że nie realistyczne ale to inna beczka. IMHO powinni dodać możliwość rozbrajania takich min np. poprzez przestrzelenie jej z M95 :D


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 23 lis 2005, 00:36 
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Dołączył(a): 2 lip 2005, 12:50
Posty: 1650
Lokalizacja: Dublin
PotulnY napisał(a):
Robienie niezniszczalnych min jest bezsensowne :) nie mówiąc, że nie realistyczne ale to inna beczka. IMHO powinni dodać możliwość rozbrajania takich min np. poprzez przestrzelenie jej z M95 :D

No właśnie mechanik będzie je ściągał i dostawał za to punkty.

There will always be a battlefield...

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 23 lis 2005, 00:45 
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Dołączył(a): 25 gru 2004, 00:08
Posty: 4910
Widze, ze czesc osob nie zrozumiala a sa i atcy co mysla, ze ja nie zrozumialem. Fakt jest to przeklejka z forum EA ale jako, ze malo kto je odwiedza a jest to ciekawe to wkleilem. Napisalem przeciez:

No pracuje, jak pracuje. Poki co rozwaza te zagadnienia:

Wiec chyba nikogo w blad nie wprowadzalem? :P A skoro te propozycje zebrali, umiescili w przyklejonym topicu i je rozwazaja to jest duza szansa, ze wiecej jak 10% ujrzy swiatlo dzienne ;]

 Zobacz profil  
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