As compensation for the recent Battlefield 2 stats outage, EA has decided to grant active players during the outage an additional 2000 points plus a gold star.
Following the June outage of Battlefield 2 player stats, DICE and EA have been working to compensate all players who were active during that time for the frustrating inconvenience we realise this issue represented. We were particularly eager to provide this as it was recently discovered that stats from some 64 player servers during the outage period cannot be recovered as we had previously believed and sincerely hoped. Stats from smaller servers should be unaffected however we realise this still represents a disappointing loss of play time recognition for some players and wish to apologise for that unanticipated outcome.
After examining all the options, it has been decided that players who were active during the stats outage will be granted an additional 2000 points as well as a gold star. This will be awarded to over 150,000 affected players from midnight onwards (US West coast time) on Wednesday August 8th. We hope this goes some way towards redressing the balance and wish to again apologise for the frustration this stats issue represented for many of you.
Ja tam dostalem 2k

(mozna to opic ;P)