TotalBF2 napisał(a):
Yeah so ive been a long long time lurker, anyways i got the patch today, and it gave me the same old error (patching failed) and well the old method doesnt appear to work, because well PATCH.RTP is missing.
So basically, start the install of the patch, then when you get to the install button do the following:
1. Go to start run type %temp%
2. Look in folders that have a name like {438372-2.....
3. You should see some files called Patch.exe, and some other things. Copy them all to a temporary directory lets say C:\Patch
4. Go to start->find and go to advanced options and choose search hidden folders and system folders
5. Search for PATCH.RTP it WILL BE ABOUT 275 MB'S!!!!!!!!
6. Copy Patch.rtp to your same directory as the other files
7. Go to start->run type cmd
8. go to your patch folder in command prompt
9. Type patch.exe "YOUR DIRECTORY GOES HERE"
put where battlefield 2 is, for example i would type: Patch.exe "D:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2"
10. let it run.
podobno to pomaga, w internecie jest wiele slownikow wiec przetlumaczenie to nie problem.