1 Shakowali ci konto, możesz odzyskać punkty, ale szczegółowych statsów już nie.
2 Czytasz to:
Hi there,
Thank you for contacting EA Support.
We regret to inform you that your soldier stats were found to have been inappropriately altered through playing on a compromised server. In our attempt to maintain the integrity of the stats and leader board for Battlefield 2, we have had to reset the stats on your soldier. Although we are working to prevent these servers from affecting future soldier stats, we were unable to remove the ‘bad’ stats without clearing your stats entirely.
We understand that many soldiers were not aware that they were on a compromised server, so we want to work with you to restore some of your stats. If you are interested in restoring as much of your original stats as possible, please read and follow the steps below.
What we will do for you:
We can restore your Rank, Global Score, Commander Score, Team Score, and Combat score to what you had earned prior to March 22, 2008. All other statistics cannot be restored; however, you can re-select your unlocks to match the rank that is restored to your soldier.
What you must do to qualify:
Before we can restore your stats, you must first gain a Global Score of at least 100 by playing on ranked servers.
How to initiate the stat restore:
Once you have earned a Global Score of at least 100, please reply back to this email and let us know “you have gained at least 100 Global Score.” Include your soldier name and/or PID so that we can verify the information and restore your statistics. If you would like to check on the status of your incident, please go to support.ea.com and click on the ‘My Questions’ link.
Note: The restore may take some time depending on how many valid users were playing on these compromised servers.
We appreciate your patience and understanding as Electronic Arts continues to protect the integrity of the game.
Thank you for your time,
EA Rep Ame
Player Relations
Electronic Arts
3 Wchodzisz
tu4 Wysyłasz do EA wiadomość, podajesz dane z punktu 2 i czekasz