Autorem jest niejaki polto (napisal na forum Battlefield SinglePlayer):
1 - Start a local multiplayer game. (we've only tested with 16 player maps/no. of players.)
2 - On the other PCs click on join local, but don't join the server yet!. Also, don't click on refresh after the server appears.
3 - On the server player's PC leave the map, disconnect and start a single player game with 16 bots on the map of your choice.
4 - When the map has loaded on the server player's PC, then, and only then the other players can click on the server in the local list and join.
Krotko po polsku: na jednym komputerze uruchamiacie lokalnego hosta; na drugim lokalnego klienta (nie dolaczacie do hosta, tylko czekacie, az pojawi sie na liscie lokalnych serwerow); na pierwszym kompie wylaczacie serwer i uruchamiacie mapke singlowa; po uruchomieniu gry na pierwszym kompie dolaczacie drugi, trzeci, czwarty, ..., pietnasty (no ale wtedy boty bylyby niepotrzebne).
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