Z tego co widzialem w komendach to jako parametr startowy w linii komend mozna tez podac login i password, wiec razem z komenda dolaczenia do konkretnego serwrka powinno ladnie dzialac
+dedicated - Start in dedicated server mode
+multi - Allow starting multiple BF2 instances
+joinserver - Join a server by IP address or hostname
+playername - Set the player name
+password - Set the server password when joining a server
+config - Sets path to the ServerSettings.con file to use
+maplist - Sets the path to the MapList.con file to use
+lowpriority - Run the game with slightly lower priority
+loadLevel - Set the level to load
+wx - Position game window on the screen at certain x-position
+wy - Position game window on the screen at certain y-position
+szx - Set resolution width
+szy - Set resolution height
+fullscreen - Start game in full screen mode
+nosound - Start game without sound
+demo - Sets the con-file with demo options
+maxPlayers - Sets max players
+gameMode - Sets the game mode
+modPath - Sets the mod path (default /mods/bf2)
+help - Displays help
+ranked - Allows GamSpy snapshot sending
+playerPassword - Sets the player password
+playNow - Use PlayNow functionality
+port - Specifies the network port to be used
+pbPath - Set the path to use for PunkBuster on multi-instance configs
+hostServer -
+checkForAvailablePatch -
+checkForPatch -
+ai -