Najnowsze zmiany które mają się pojawić w wersji 1.2
-Ranking (Twórcy zastanawiali się co ciągle przyciąga graczy do "czystego" BF 2142 i postanowili stworzyć system rankingowy:
1 Midshipman - Starting Rank
2 Ensign - Earned with 250 Points
3 Sub-Lieutenant - Earned with 350 Points
4 Lieutenant - Earned with 450 Points
5 Lieutenant Commander - Earned with 550 Points
6 Commander - Earned with 650 Points
7 Captain - Earned with 750 Points
8 Line Captain - Earned with 850 Points
9 Commodore - Earned with 950 Points
10 Rear Admiral - Earned with 1950 Points
11 Vice Admiral - Earned with 2950 Points
12 Admiral - Earned with 3950 Points
13 Fleet Admiral - A select few will be appointed by the Dev Team.
14 Moff - A select few will be appointed by the Dev Team.
15 Grand Moff - A select few will be appointed by the Dev Team.
16 Grand Admiral - A select few will be appointed by the Dev Team.
Z dodatkowymi odznaczeniami i medalami.
-Dodatkowe mapy w tym długo wyczekiwane mapy w stylu "Combined Arms" czyli wszystkie typy sprzętu naraz
. (Battle for Ryloth ma być mapą w tym stylu)
Szereg drobnych i mniejszych poprawek