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PostNapisane: 27 cze 2005, 01:17 
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Dołączył(a): 18 cze 2005, 01:25
Posty: 150
Lokalizacja: Łorsoł
Znalazłem to na innym forum dot. BF2. Gdyby to wszystko poprawili w pierwszej lub w drugiej łatce byłoby spełnieniem moich marzeń 8) .

- Ranked server 'lag'. Ranked servers are choppy either due to lag or the ranking system update.

- Updating stats. Player stats are not updating properly or within a timely manner to the master server.

- Hit Detection. The hit/collision detection for percentage of players is reported incorrectly. A visible hit on an enemy character sometimes does not register as a hit.

- CTD. Randomly, some players crash to desktop while loading into a new map on a server. Sometimes, players will just get booted from the server.

- Punkbuster. Various pb kicks for inexplicable reasons. Fresh install non-modded game with non-cheater player, the player will be kicked from server for various pb reasons (map.zip, coredll.dll, tools mismatch, fonts, etc.).

- Team notification. Often, teammates have to be very close to you in order to see their name. Many TK's can be attributed to this issue, especially when in a gun turret firing at an incoming vehicle or aircraft.

- Commander's spotting. When scanning the battlefield, all enemies will show as red dots. If you choose the "spotted" function on a dot before it appears, you will get an audio cue of what you spotted (ie. "enemy helicopter spotted") but it will not show on your minimap. Is this the case for all of your team, or is the commander the only one who doesn't see the enemy on the minimap? If this is the case, the commander needs to hold of spotting until the scanner dots have disappeared.

- Server listing. Often, the server list will display incorrect information. Sometiems servers will display 0 or 999 ping, when they actually ping decently. Having a display showing when the server list is completed updating would be beneficial for solving this issue.

- Filer server listing 2. Filters having "ranked servers" and "not full" checked will still return full servers (as in they'll show as 32/32 on the server list)

- Choppy Server listing. Often, the server list will freeze as user is scrolling thru the listings. Having a display showing when the server list is completed updating would be beneficial for solving this issue. Or perhaps disabling the menu effects on the server list screen would be best.

- Controls. Not all controls are listed in the manual or in the menu system. For instance, being able to customize the Alt key without editing a file would be great. I personally hate it when I accidentally hit the Alt key (other games I have that resevered for voice chat).

- Account management. For a player that doesn't have a clan or registered an account without clan tags, then the user is forced to create a new account with the clan tags. And lose all the stats associate with the tagless account, thus starting over. HAving the ability to rename the account and/or have a clan tag section as part of the name would be great and less frustrating for the users.

- SB Extigy (Audigy equivalent) Bug that causes in-game voices (not VoIP, but ones like "enemy helicopter spotted" etc.) to go all choppy when everything else sounds fine.

- Vehicle kills. It is too easy to kill teammates with a vehicle, i have Killed(been killed) with a slight clip of a humvee, APC etc.

- Voting. Voting is a waste, it requires far too many votes to make a decision, most people ignore so often times you sit on the same map for way too long.

- Install errors. Various people are receiveing errors during installation of the game.

- Game freezes. Some people are getting game freezes during gameplay, in between rounds, and when changing maps.

- Stuttering. Gameplay stuttering in the first 1-5 mins. Apparent in most computers in all maps/games on High settings. This is due to the computer still attempting to load the textures for each part of the map. As user visit each part of the map, user's computer is trying to load the textures to display it. (People who have 6800s series, X800s series have these as well. The stutter is there no matter what card. It may have to do with texture memory)

- Memory management. BF2 is using 800mb of my memory.

- Auto-Balance options Make it to where un-squadded people are first get to the other team in the for team balance. It's illogical to move commanders and squadded peeps.

- Request - Teammate rider names. Show user the names of people who are in the same vehicle.

- Sniping. There is confusion as to the physics involved with sniping. User has experienced both bullet drop and no-bulletdrop when sniping longe range. Players need confirmation of trajectory drop and it would be beneficial to include a range find device to incorporate into the scope to help compensate for long distance. Plus a adjustable scope would be beneficial as well.

- Scoring, Flag defense. Currently, player awarded one extra bonus point for killing an enemy if player is in the flag zone. If player's right outside the zone, player get nothing. This means defending is not only more boring than attacking - you also get less points. This is what creates the stupid flag chase gameplay where teams go round and round the map, taking flags and abandoning right away instead of staying and defending. To prevent this, we need a better scoring system. A much better way to reward defenders would be adding the bonus point for all kills made near the flag zone. With this system, it suddenly pays to stay and defend and we get much better gameplay in turn.

- Scoring, Medic. Start of the map 4 or 5 players spawn in, medic drops a nade and wounds all players. Medic then throws med packs all around and recieves healing points. Team gets to the 1st white flag, same medic drops a nade in close location, wounds the team, then does the same thing. This series of events will help the medic increase stats and rise in rank.

- Scoring/Punishment, TK - Suggestion. Abolish the current "Punish/Forgive" system. Almost everyone punishes right after they are killed, as if to get some illusory and momentary "revenge." It is impulsive and requires a disciplined restraint that you can't expect the average PC gamer to have. It's just reality. Make all TKs give -2 to the player's score. THAT'S IT. Every time a player TKs, it will take less and less votes to kick him.

- Scoring, Ranked Spec Forces. User having a hard time getting positive numbers for class points (whatever they're called). Even after blowing up 2AA guns user doesn't see any significant drop.

- Scoring, Sec Ops. Spec Ops destroys enemy hardware and currently does not recieve points. Examples: Spec Ops blows up artillery and get no points for it? Also blow up radar and are there points for that?

- Functionality, server details. User is not able to get server details (IP, name, etc.) when in-game. User must wait until a new map loads to view the map information along with the server data.

- Functionality, vehicle movement. Any vehicle except buggy is unable to move on 20% slope from full stop. Some maps have ROADS with more than 20% slope. If you stop at this kind of slope, you are no longer able to drive up the slope. Most modern army vehicles are able to drive up to 60% slope.

- Graphics/HUD, player tags. The problem of teamates having enemy tags has to be fixed.

- Physics, incline movement. Mines, vehicles etc. slide down hills/inclines.

- Graphics, player position. Players in prone position feet still stick out of buildings.

- Functionality, C4 deployment. C4 going off by key stutter at last drop.

- HUD, mine detection. Mine 'signal' (red box) needs to show up sooner.

- Functionality, Eject key. Eject button ejects player even while in chat mode. So say user leaves it the default "e" key, if user is in a vehicle and typing to someone, the instant user hits "e" user ejects from the vehicle. This is very annoying when a piolot decides to type somthing and ejects out.

- Map, teammate. What would be great is if user could put cursor over the blue dot on the map and it would show the name of teammate(s).

- HUD, VoIP. When someone uses VoIP, even after they are done talking; the name should be displayed for a few more seconds. I find that most time I can't look down fast enough to see who said what.

- HUD, game vs. chat messages. Near impossible to tell the difference between someone using text chat or kill messages. Unless you are staring at the chat, you will miss 99% of the messages. The player messages should be displayed somewhere else or in a different color.

- Suggestion, Map linking. They could link the flags up. Planetside started this I believe and then Joint Operations and UT2k4 used it also. What I mean is that you have to capture certain flags in order before you can capture the next one. This creates more fierce firefights because each team knows what base they need to defend or capture. Right now, especially on the large maps, there are too many 1 vs 1 firefights instead of the large scale warfare that you would expect from this game.

- Weapons, pistol variation. Everybody basically has the same pistol.

- Weapons, hit detection. The support classes gun spread is pretty inconsistant. If I am standing in front of someone 5 feet away and I am shooting at him on full auto, 80% of the time I will die first. I know that bursting and going prone is ideal but when I am that close to an enemy, I should be able to kill him with a machine gun.

- Weapons, Rate of fire. SVD...sniper gun or machine gun. That thing has a crazy rate of fire with little recoil.

- HUD, Character class. List their class symbol next to the the persons name. I have to try to get a glimpse of the persons gun to figure out what class he is. Similar to what is displayed for Medic and Engineer.

- Weapons, Surface to Air missiles. Surface to air missles are next to worthless against jets. If they can constantly get ammo and bomb the crap out of us, we should at least have a someone effective way of knocking them out of the sky. Perhaps a vehicle with a bank of S.A.M. missles or a stationary turret that has a bank of 6 missles that can be launched instead of the 2 at a time.

- Physics, Weapons & Jumping - Suggestion. The spread should be severely decreased if you jump. I still get shot fairly easily when someone is bunny hopping at me.

- Physics, Jumping - Suggestion. get rid of the BUNNYHOPPING! That is the biggest irritant to me is seeing someone with a huge pack and loads of equipment jumping five to six feet into the air. Or at least link the jump action/function to the endurance meter.

- Functionality, Character class. I would spawn as a certain class and if I chose a different one while waiting to respawn after dying but got revived I would end up with my weapons looking the same as my original kit but having the properties of the new one.

- Gameplay, Revive character. When you revive a guy and his arms are sticking out like he is trying to fly. It looks funny the first few times. But I am getting tired of it.

- HUD, Commanders colors. Make the commanders show up as DIFFERENT colors (not BOTH the same shade of yellow). Make the commander for the enemy team show up light red and the friendly commander light blue.

- Weapons, shotgun. Something small i noticed with the enginneer. When you shoot the shotgun the shell is ejected before he pumps the shotgun. The shell is supposed to be ejected when he pumps. Not after you shoot.

- Video, Resolution. LCD resolution? 1280/1024 this was just flat out laziness not to include this. LCD monitors outsell CRT's now 2-1, any other game out today offers it. Hyundai, Samsung, BenQ to name a few all have 19" monitors with 8ms response times that make gaming more enjoyable.

- Audio, 5.1. No 5.1 digital support?

- Audio, F-XI. Ultra High sound? reserved for the creative F-XI, you bet I'll run out and spend $600.00 (projected msrp pricing) just so I can enjoy Ultra high soun, ya right.

- Weapons, cluster bombs. I am playing the only SP map that has aircraft (clean sweep, right, not sure) and as the MEC, get into a mobile AA and no matter where I go (even under the hanger, I get blown to pieces by that *bleep* F-15. At the very least, I would say drasticly decrease the penatration abilities of the cluster bombs.

- Functionality, Client data. It seems to take an extraordinary long time to verify client data.

- Gameplay, Spawns. PLease add more player spawns at the flags. Right now there are just too few.

- Gameplay, Map balance. Map balance is WAY off on several maps and they need to watch the stats and make adjustments in the next patch.

- Gameplay, Vehicle armor. If objects can be assigned armor values to different sides, like the APCs and tanks, then they should have values rather like front: 3, top and sides: 2, and rear: 1. Armored vehicles, especially tanks, have most of their armor in the front, and very little in the rear.

- Weapons, missiles. You should be able to shoot down a helicopter with a square hit with a tank round, especially since 1 shot from a tank will destroy a plane, and perhaps even one from an AT missile. The Stingers/IGLA damage could stand to be increased a bit too. The damage from small arms/machineguns is probably about right. I don't want choppers to be sitting ducks, but I don't want them to maul everything in sight either. In the hands of a halfway competent pilot, ground troops are pretty much doomed as long as they have ammo.

- Weapons, Grenade. The sphere of damage from a grenade should be increased. If you're within 20 feet, you should at least get a couple of points of damage. 20 feet is very close to an explosive.

- Gameplay, Character classes. The sphere of influence from people in vehicles such as medics, support and engineers should be increased. I had to bump into an APC several times just to get repaired, and if you're on foot trying to get healed, you might get run over!

- Gameplay, Round start - Suggestion. I'd like to see a server option for the round to wait for commanders to signal "Ready" while they and squad leaders prepare their troops.

- Gameplay, TK Punish. On a friendly kill, the Forgive/Punnish vote should default to Forgive.

- Gameplay, Mutiny - Suggestion. There should be a time delay for a Mutiny vote, say 5 or 10 minutes into a round, and perhaps a limit to 2 vote calls.

- Gameplay, jumping. Bunnyhopping should make your shots deviate wildly.

- Gameplay, reloading. If you decide to reload from a partly spent clip, the remaining rounds shouldn't disappear.

- Menu, Character retrieval. The character retrieval system should also have a PASSWORD RECOVERY FEATURE!

- Gameplay, flag capture. They should really expand the capture/defending zone.I mean if this is a team game and you are taking a flag the capture should be the base area or a bigger zone so not everybody has to stand right at the flag to get points. I can see a squad standing right next to a flag and the enemy throwing a gernade in.

- Gameplay, weapon accuracy. Like a lot of people have said the accuracy of weapons. Ive tried sniping at people and i dont even know where my shots are landing. If i knew i could adjust for the drop. The saw is my greatest disappointment. With a saw i unload if im upclose cuss hell why not, but i know enough to do a control burst at longer ranges, but the saw accuacy still needs adjustment.

- Gameplay, jumping. If you're using the medic kit and trying to revive somebody, even when your over the body, and you try to charge them, it doesnt do it. A numbers of times it has happened to me that ive had to tried twice to revive and get killed for it.

- Gameplay, revive. Side note it would be a nice feature to have when somebody revives you to have to hit a button to stand back up like you do in JO. A number of times somebody heals me just to get up to get my character killed off accidentally by the person i just revived since he was calling for Medic via the same button as the fire button.

- Gameplay, Medic. With the medic, the "needs revival (heart)" icon is way too big on the mini map. In an infantry battle, it is impossible to find exactly where the patient is. They need something similar to ET, where an icon is displayed above the victim (much like the circled number above a squad leader) If the victim is off screen, an arrow will point them in the right direction.

- Gameplay, revive - suggestion. There needs to be a way to supress respawning. What I mean is, say you get wounded behind enemy lines. A medic in your squad is about to revive you, but your spawn timer reaches 0, and automatically respawn at your last CP. You should stay wounded until you are a)revived b)shot/hit again or c)choose to die. This is also the same style system they use in Enemy Territory.

- Gameplay, Medic. show the revive timer next to the players name tag so I don't run through gunfire to have the player disappear a second before I get there!

- CTD, Key bind. Crash to desktop issue caused by clicking on Spotted (including from the commander interface) or clicking on Apply to be commander, when the LMB is bound to a movement control?

- Weapons, rate of fire. Save the rate of fire settings for the gun. I usually use single shots but everytime I respawn (and possibly revive...I forget) it goes back to the default of burst/full-auto.

- Vehicles, terrain damage. Vehicles take too much damage from just driving over a bump in the road.

- Graphics, terrain morphing. Terrain morphing. Large jagged mounds of dirt in the distance are rendered as smooth flat fields, until you get closer then they "grow" the closer you get.

- Gameplay, View distances. View distances are poor in general, especially in aircraft. Draw distance should be 3x longer (or at least have the option) and fog distance should be 2x farther AT LEAST. Some maps it looks like a dust factory exploded on every block. If it's a sand storm, then render it as a sand storm, not a brown still fog.
It's annoying to be shooting a tank, then it disappears due to draw distances. Tanks don't disappear. It's one of those game immersion destroying things...

- Gameplay, vegetation - suggestion. Grass and vegitation appear as you get closer, annoying and freaky. It should not turn off after a certain distance, but rather grade down off into the distance. Or just increase draw distances for these items by 2x - 3x.

- Gameplay, Vehicle Look. AIRCRAFT / HELICOPTERS LOOK AROUND MODE: When you want to look around in helicopters and aircrafts, you have to press a key to do it and then use the mouse to look around you, and you loose control of the aircraft while doing this. This would be best utilized via the hat switch on joysticks.

- Gameplay, Trank IR. Adding TRACK IR support would really be appreciated by flight sims fans ( http://www.trackir.com )

- Gameplay, Vehicle Look. Land/Sea LOOK AROUND MODE: The land and sea vehicles lack a Mouse Look function.

- Gameplay, vehicles respawn too quick after you kill them its around 25 seconds after you kill any APC/Tank/Buggy for it to respawn again, it should be at least 2 mins or a server side setting for admin to setup.[/b]

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 27 cze 2005, 01:39 
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Dołączył(a): 25 lip 2003, 23:30
Posty: 443
Lokalizacja: Poznań City (ver. 64)
-Suggestion, Map linking. They could link the flags up. Planetside started this I believe and then Joint Operations and UT2k4 used it also. What I mean is that you have to capture certain flags in order before you can capture the next one. This creates more fierce firefights because each team knows what base they need to defend or capture. Right now, especially on the large maps, there are too many 1 vs 1 firefights instead of the large scale warfare that you would expect from this game.

kretyński pomysł, to nie quake tu sie liczą przemyślenia taktyczne, czyli nie walenie na przednie flagi, tylko atak od tyłu

-Gameplay, Trank IR. Adding TRACK IR support would really be appreciated by flight sims fans ( http://www.trackir.com )

a na co to komu?

reszty kiepskich pomysłów nie doczytałem

a co do marzeń, to przydało by sie więcej sprzętu:P taki apache na przykład:D albo little bird AH-6 z dwoma minigunami:D

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 27 cze 2005, 03:58 
Moderator forum
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Dołączył(a): 3 lut 2004, 18:16
Posty: 3389
Lokalizacja: Kraków
Jelcyn napisał(a):
kretyński pomysł, to nie quake tu sie liczą przemyślenia taktyczne, czyli nie walenie na przednie flagi, tylko atak od tyłu

Czemu od razu kretyński - pomysł jest niezły - wykorzystywany w tak "Quakeowym" modzie jak FH. I się sprawdza - walki o flagi są zacięte, a taktyka dopiero musi być doszlifowana. Gra się zajefajnie w ten sposób. Dodatkowo niektóre flagi po stracie są nie do odbicia.


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 27 cze 2005, 08:09 
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Dołączył(a): 1 paź 2003, 19:56
Posty: 86
Lokalizacja: Układ Słoneczny / Ziemia
Piokos napisał(a):
- Account management. For a player that doesn't have a clan or registered an account without clan tags, then the user is forced to create a new account with the clan tags. And lose all the stats associate with the tagless account, thus starting over. HAving the ability to rename the account and/or have a clan tag section as part of the name would be great and less frustrating for the users.

Można zmienić sobie nicka i adres email.
Wystarczy zalogować się do GameSPY i tam sobie zmienić w profilu. GameSPY znajduje się na płycie z grą. Thats All.


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 27 cze 2005, 08:33 
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Dołączył(a): 5 cze 2005, 19:31
Posty: 260
Lokalizacja: Warszawa

- Hit Detection. The hit/collision detection for percentage of players is reported incorrectly. A visible hit on an enemy character sometimes does not register as a hit.

Hmmm, a czy to nie jest tak, że przeciwnik ma po prostu kamizelkę kuloodporną i dlatego trudniej go zranić? Na przykład bliskie spotkanie AT ze spec-opsem często kończy się kiepsko dla spec-opsa nawet, jeśli zacznie pierwszy strzelać.


- Weapons, missiles. You should be able to shoot down a helicopter with a square hit with a tank round, especially since 1 shot from a tank will destroy a plane, and perhaps even one from an AT missile. The Stingers/IGLA damage could stand to be increased a bit too. The damage from small arms/machineguns is probably about right. I don't want choppers to be sitting ducks, but I don't want them to maul everything in sight either. In the hands of a halfway competent pilot, ground troops are pretty much doomed as long as they have ammo.

Boszzzzz...koleś chyba nigdy w BFV nie grał...helikoptery w BF2 trudne do zestrzelenia...HAHAHAHAHA :lol:

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 27 cze 2005, 09:14 
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Dołączył(a): 1 wrz 2003, 16:04
Posty: 1480
Lokalizacja: Kraków
Piokos napisał(a):
- HUD, mine detection. Mine 'signal' (red box) needs to show up sooner.

taa i co jeszcze, niech lepiej poprawia zeby sie zawsze pokazywala a nie jak sie zachce :roll:

gry komputerowe

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 27 cze 2005, 09:49 
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Dołączył(a): 22 mar 2004, 14:09
Posty: 1446
Lokalizacja: Warszawa
Bledy rzeczywiscie sa do poprawki, ale propozycje zmian w samym systemie rozgrywki, to ja bym olal na razie, bo to sprawy zbyt powazne, zeby gdzies na jakims forum ktos ustalal.

ex MON.BF2, ex eXploit, ex PRGK-42

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 27 cze 2005, 10:24 
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Dołączył(a): 25 gru 2004, 00:08
Posty: 4910
"Install errors. Various people are receiveing errors during installation of the game."

i niby jak patch mialby naprawic bledy instalacyjne? Zreszta 1 slysze o takowych :P

"Gameplay, flag capture. They should really expand the capture/defending zone.I mean if this is a team game and you are taking a flag the capture should be the base area or a bigger zone so not everybody has to stand right at the flag to get points. I can see a squad standing right next to a flag and the enemy throwing a gernade in. "

bullshit. starczyloby skitrac sie gdzies na zadupiu i wrog nie mogac cie znalezc nigdy nie odbierze flagi

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 27 cze 2005, 10:37 

Dołączył(a): 8 cze 2005, 11:09
Posty: 40
Przeciez jak bedziesz lezal obok flagi sam, a op4ow podejdzie 2, to juz flaga jest ich... A chyba by sie zorientowali, ze cos nie tak jest jakby ciagle flaga spadala i by Cie zaczeli szukac, co? :P Choc uj ich wie...

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 27 cze 2005, 11:02 
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Dołączył(a): 4 sty 2005, 11:49
Posty: 345
Lokalizacja: Kraków
Hynol napisał(a):
Jelcyn napisał(a):
kretyński pomysł, to nie quake tu sie liczą przemyślenia taktyczne, czyli nie walenie na przednie flagi, tylko atak od tyłu

Czemu od razu kretyński - pomysł jest niezły - wykorzystywany w tak "Quakeowym" modzie jak FH. I się sprawdza - walki o flagi są zacięte, a taktyka dopiero musi być doszlifowana. Gra się zajefajnie w ten sposób. Dodatkowo niektóre flagi po stracie są nie do odbicia.

Jesli kolesiowi chodziło o trb AA Join Operation, to tam flagi musisz zdobyć pokolei, tak jak twórca mapy sobie to wymyslił. Moim zdaniem pomysł niedobry, i dobra taktyka nie ma sie tu jak wykazać, geniusz Battlefielda polega włąsnie na swobodzie jaką tu masz:).

Jeśli blondynka ma czarne odrosty, to znaczy że jej mózg jeszcze walczy...

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 27 cze 2005, 11:30 

Dołączył(a): 8 mar 2005, 15:07
Posty: 528
Lokalizacja: Świnoujście
Updateowanie statsow w BFHQ poprawili.. dzisiaj gralem na servie... i odrazu jak wyszedlem mi sie updateowalo

Ahhh te czasy Desert Combat....

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 27 cze 2005, 11:31 
Moderator forum
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Dołączył(a): 3 lut 2004, 18:16
Posty: 3389
Lokalizacja: Kraków
Ja wspomniałem tryb z FH z numerowanymi flagami, bo chyba jest najbliższy BF2. Przełamanie obrony to nie lada sztuka, nie mówiąc już o skoordynoanym szarzeniu kilku flag po kolei - nie wiem jakby to wyglądało w BF2 - pewnie średnio. Dlatego czekam na FH2 :),


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 27 cze 2005, 11:44 
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Dołączył(a): 11 sty 2003, 04:02
Posty: 859
Kyokushin napisał(a):
Piokos napisał(a):
- Account management. For a player that doesn't have a clan or registered an account without clan tags, then the user is forced to create a new account with the clan tags. And lose all the stats associate with the tagless account, thus starting over. HAving the ability to rename the account and/or have a clan tag section as part of the name would be great and less frustrating for the users.

Można zmienić sobie nicka i adres email.
Wystarczy zalogować się do GameSPY i tam sobie zmienić w profilu. GameSPY znajduje się na płycie z grą. Thats All.

Ja zmienilem na gamespy - teraz tam mam inny nick a w grze i tak stary mi wyswietla - nie pomaga reczna edycja pliku Profile.con


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 27 cze 2005, 12:24 
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Dołączył(a): 6 maja 2004, 18:41
Posty: 217
Lokalizacja: Grudziadz
jestem za dodaniem w oknie przegladania serwerow jakiejś mini gierki - szachy lub cos takiego oraz statystyki zliczającej 2-kliknięcia na serwery :P

 Zobacz profil  
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