OK, wiec po kolei :
1. Server Linux GENTOO
2. zainstalowany serwer "
3. zainstalowany deamon "
BF2CCD_1.1.2152.zip" (rozpakowany w katalogu "bf2")
4. zainstalowne skrypty "
modmanager-v1.0i.zip" (rozpakowany w katalogu "bf2")
Proba odpalenia serwera "recznie" poleceniem "start.sh" zakonczona 100% powodzniem - wniosek serwer OK
Kill procesu serwera
Proba odpalenia serwera za posrednictwem deamona BF2CCD zakonczona 100% NIEPOWODZENIEM - wniosek jestem lama, nie wiem o co chodzi ...
A dokladnie przestudiowalem PDF`a "
Battlefield_2_and_BF2CC_Linux_installation_guide" ze strony BF2CCD
szczegoly z proby odpalenia BF2CCD:
mono bf2ccd.exe -showlog
Optional command line switches:
-configdaemon Goes through the reconfiguration section
-ranked Runs the server in ranked mode
-showlog Shows log to screen
-lockdemorec Locks down demo recording (nobody can change)
-locknetsettings Locks down BF2 network settings (nobody can change)
-noquitprompts No 'confirm' prompts when closing.
-autostart [profile] Immediatly starts the server.
-playerlimit Nobody can exceed maximum player limit.
-skipportchecks Skips open port checking for RCON and Daemon.
-dontpassthru Dont pass + commands through to the executable.
-debugmode Shows debug output for diagnostics.
-kill Kills the daemon process started from this dir.
-pbscreentimeout Wait time between screenshots. (seconds)
+config BF2 serversettings.con (full path and file)
+mapList BF2 maplist.con (full path and file)
+pbpath BF2 redirect of the punkbuster path
+modPath BF2 redirect of the mod path (relative path)
06/18/2006 16:36:
06/18/2006 16:36: Loading: users.xml...
06/18/2006 16:36: ERROR: Missing users file at /home/bf2/bf2/users.xml
06/18/2006 16:36:
06/18/2006 16:36: ********* New users.xml file generated.
06/18/2006 16:36: ********* Admin account password set to admin, please change ASAP
06/18/2006 16:36:
06/18/2006 16:36: >>>>> FATAL ERROR: Loading users.xml
06/18/2006 16:36: >>>>> STACK: System.InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type
in <0x00138> BDSoft.BF2.Server.Globals.Users:CheckAdminRoles ()
in <0x00099> BDSoft.BF2.Server.Globals.Users:CreateDefault (string,string)
in <0x005fd> BDSoft.BF2.Server.Globals.Users:LoadUsers (string)
in <0x00c4d> BDSoft.BF2.Server.Init:RunInit ()
06/18/2006 16:36:
06/18/2006 16:36: >>>>> Daemon init has terminated.
06/18/2006 16:36: >>>>> Please fix the error and restart.
...rozumiem z tego tyle ze brakuje pliku "users.xml", ktory to program sobie tworzy, po czym nie moze go odczytac...
Pierwszy raz odpalam deamona BF2CCD, wiec prosze o wyrozumialosc
![Embarassed :oops:](./images/smilies/icon_redface.gif)
Co robie zle lub czego nie robie (a powinienem)
Please help me
PS. Jesli to zly dzial (mialem mala zagwozdke czy napisac posta tutaj czy w "problemy"), to prosze moderatorow o przeniesienie go