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PostNapisane: 22 gru 2005, 01:16 
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Dołączył(a): 7 lip 2005, 15:35
Posty: 157
Lokalizacja: Warszawa
Dla zainteresowanych:

TotalBF2.com: Are the changes for patch 1.2 permanent? (Meaning, are you accepting input for this declared patch or is it already being finalized?)

Armando: We are in the process of wrapping up patch 1.2 and kicking off 1.3. This means that the fixes that will make their way into the 1.2 patch are being finished up for testing and what didn’t make it this time around is being put in the list for the next patch.

The process of addressing issues in patches is kept very flexible. If there are fixes that the community would like to see in 1.3, let us know about it. There are no guarantees, because everything is prioritized depending on what aspect of the game if affects, who is requesting the fix, the amount of work involved, the risk of affecting other elements, etc, etc, etc.

I should also point out that there has been no word as of yet whether there is anything planned after 1.3, but then again, there was no plan for patch 1.2 or 1.3 until a few months ago. These types of things are very dynamic and are usually driven by customer support. The more demand and support we get from the community, the more support we can provide in return.

TotalBF2.com: How would your customers be able to voice their opinion on what needs to be included in the next patch?

Armando: There are several opinions on this point, but my personal opinion is that the forums offer up the best way to convey issues and how to best resolve them. When someone posts something, there is immediate feedback from the rest of the community. That makes it easier to judge the severity and validity of the issue.

We get e-mail from concerned people. The problem is that everyone has their own opinion on what should be addressed and how. Many of these messages have a vague description of issues and many issues are isolated. It is best that we focus on items that have the most impact on the community as a whole.

TotalBF2.com: Can you please comment on "Dolphin Diving" is no longer possible?

Armando: We’ve implemented some fail safes that prevent the user from inputting the commands that cause dolphin diving to occur. To the regular player, the fail safes will be almost imperceptible. When a user rapidly and repeatedly jumps and then goes prone, he will find that this is now completely impossible. The transition in first person view will match the third person view.

TotalBF2.com: Can you please comment on "Players can no longer jump and shoot at the same time"?

Armando: This is a controversial solution to the problem of “bunny hopping”. First, let me state that it was never intended that the user abuse the ability to fire their guns while jumping. Unfortunately, there are undesirable repercussions to allowing this. What we have done is treated the jump like we do the sprint. If the user initiates the jump, he simply cannot shoot while he’s in the air.This approach was decided upon because it makes jumping an unsavory action during a fire fight. Yes, you can still shoot to avoid being shot at, but you cannot return fire.

Many have asked why a stamina system was not implemented. The simple answer is that a stamina system would severely limit your ability to defend yourself or get out of harms way when you needed most to do so. We could have still allowed a minimal jump height, but then the entire purpose of the fix would be defeated since players could still jump and shoot.

TotalBF2.com: Can you please comment on "Helicopter now carry 8 missiles rather than 14"? And where did this idea come from?

Armando: This was a request directly from the franchise director. He felt that the helicopter payload was a little excessive and felt that this change was needed.

TotalBF2.com: Are you planning on fixing the C4? (1. allowing the Chucking of C4 then detonating before it lands on the ground.)

Armando: Since you cannot fire while jumping, it is no longer possible to “chuck” C4. However, we have not changed how quickly you can switch from the explosive to the detonator. This has limited what can be done with the C4 in terms of usage outside its designed intent.

TotalBF2.com: I know there is heated discussion of the m203 being "abused" can you comment on this?

Armando: Everyone working on the patch was involved in the creation of Special Forces. We saw first hand what can be done with the grenade launchers (although we focused more on the GP-30). As you can imagine, if there is an exploit, the guys in the office will migrate to it. Before long, everyone was using grenade launchers exclusively during combat situations. The game is much less entertaining on the whole when this occurs.

The grenade launcher was designed to give the assault soldier increased ability to fight against vehicles; however it is ever increasingly being used against infantry. We didn’t want to lose this ability, but it is necessary to limit its usefulness against the infantry.

TotalBF2.com: There is currently a $250,000 prize for Battlefield 2 Modern Combat on the X-Box and Playstation 2; will there be any such tournament for the PC version?

Armando: These tournaments are usually initiated from the marketing department. They are intended to promote and increase purchases of the game as well as increase visibility of the game. If they (marketing) see a need and interest in doing such a tournament for the PC game, it will happen. However, that is something that is outside of the realm of what I’m dealing with right now :)

TotalBF2.com: Can you please comment on "TV-Guided missile now have a shorter range"?

Armando: One of the more annoying exploits is players that fire TV guided missiles from their home base towards the enemy’s home base. In looking into the life span of the missile, it had more lifespan than it really needed to be effective. Its lifespan has been decreased.

TotalBF2.com: Can you please comment on "Hit points on all air vehicles have been reduced", Will one tank shell destroy a helicopter, or put it into critical hit points?

Armando: This one is pretty straight forward. Some of the helicopters were more resilient than tanks and as such too difficult to defend against. The hit point reduction balances things out a bit more. Yes, a tank shell will do significant damage to a helicopter. The attack copters will be almost destroyed on impact. While the transport helicopters will take a bit more abuse, but not much.

TotalBF2.com: Are you aware of the bugged TV-guided missile on the Mi-28?

Armando: I’m assuming you are referring to how it would not fire properly. Yes, we do know about it and it is fixed. That fix will be listed in the upcoming fix list that I hope to present before Christmas.

TotalBF2.com: the HUD's on vehicles be customizable (change colors) soon?

Armando: As you can surmise, this team has been inundated with fix requests from all over. As I stated, everything is prioritized and at this point in time we have bigger fish to fry. Especially considering the variety of HUD elements there are to deal with. I’m sure it is a desired feature and if things fall into place, this can move its way up the list, but right now this change does not look very likely.



 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2005, 03:20 

Dołączył(a): 14 cze 2005, 09:07
Posty: 872
Lokalizacja: Midlands, UK
ojej113 napisał(a):
The grenade launcher was designed to give the assault soldier increased ability to fight against vehicles; however it is ever increasingly being used against infantry. We didn’t want to lose this ability, but it is necessary to limit its usefulness against the infantry.

Likwidacja podskakiwania i strzelania jednoczesnie oraz obnizenie skutecznosci GL wobec piechoty zmniejszy nam liczbe Assaultow. Bedzie jak z BH ktorego popularnosc znacznie sie obnizyla po patchu 1.03. Poki co pobiegam jeszcze z granatnikiem 8) Wiekszosc bedzie musiala uczyc sie gry od nowa.. teraz zatrzesienie podskakujacych pajacow :wink:

PS. Jezu.. przez pol roku 400 postow 8)


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2005, 07:29 
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Dołączył(a): 17 paź 2005, 06:56
Posty: 1697
Lokalizacja: Burton On Trent
Mordoklej napisał(a):
ojej113 napisał(a):
The grenade launcher was designed to give the assault soldier increased ability to fight against vehicles; however it is ever increasingly being used against infantry. We didn’t want to lose this ability, but it is necessary to limit its usefulness against the infantry.

Likwidacja podskakiwania i strzelania jednoczesnie oraz obnizenie skutecznosci GL wobec piechoty zmniejszy nam liczbe Assaultow. Bedzie jak z BH ktorego popularnosc znacznie sie obnizyla po patchu 1.03. Poki co pobiegam jeszcze z granatnikiem 8) Wiekszosc bedzie musiala uczyc sie gry od nowa.. teraz zatrzesienie podskakujacych pajacow :wink:

PS. Jezu.. przez pol roku 400 postow 8)

to teraz bedzie era eryxa


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2005, 09:29 

Dołączył(a): 14 cze 2005, 09:07
Posty: 872
Lokalizacja: Midlands, UK
Trzeba sie pospieszyc z Expert Badges - Knife i Explosives.. Bo nie bedzie mozna rzucac i w locie detonowac C4.. ani skakac i dzgac nozem.. Bedzie z lekka trudniej :wink:


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2005, 09:30 
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Dołączył(a): 5 lip 2005, 09:46
Posty: 500
Lokalizacja: Olsztyn
90s napisał(a):
Mordoklej napisał(a):
ojej113 napisał(a):
The grenade launcher was designed to give the assault soldier increased ability to fight against vehicles; however it is ever increasingly being used against infantry. We didn’t want to lose this ability, but it is necessary to limit its usefulness against the infantry.

Likwidacja podskakiwania i strzelania jednoczesnie oraz obnizenie skutecznosci GL wobec piechoty zmniejszy nam liczbe Assaultow. Bedzie jak z BH ktorego popularnosc znacznie sie obnizyla po patchu 1.03. Poki co pobiegam jeszcze z granatnikiem 8) Wiekszosc bedzie musiala uczyc sie gry od nowa.. teraz zatrzesienie podskakujacych pajacow :wink:

PS. Jezu.. przez pol roku 400 postow 8)

to teraz bedzie era eryxa

Nie dla mnie,nie umiem nawet zabić kogos z eryxa.poki co zostane przy moim kochanym MP7


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2005, 09:32 

Dołączył(a): 14 cze 2005, 09:07
Posty: 872
Lokalizacja: Midlands, UK
Crist napisał(a):

Nie dla mnie,nie umiem nawet zabić kogos z eryxa.poki co zostane przy moim kochanym MP7

To pocwicz :roll: Eryx bylby fajny, gdyby byl troszke mocniejszy, albo wiecej amunicji. Ale w sumie do samiej gry jako AT chyba najbardziej zniechecajacy jest standardowy karabin ktory pozwala Ci sie czuc tak strasznie bezbronnym wobec piechoty :wink:


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2005, 09:35 
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Dołączył(a): 5 lip 2005, 09:46
Posty: 500
Lokalizacja: Olsztyn
Mordoklej napisał(a):
Crist napisał(a):

Nie dla mnie,nie umiem nawet zabić kogos z eryxa.poki co zostane przy moim kochanym MP7

To pocwicz :roll: Eryx bylby fajny, gdyby byl troszke mocniejszy, albo wiecej amunicji. Ale w sumie do samiej gry jako AT chyba najbardziej zniechecajacy jest standardowy karabin :wink:

No i o to chodzi,normalnie zbiera mi się na smiech,jak koles do mnie nawala z 20m z karabinka AT i nie może mnie trafić.


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2005, 09:37 
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Dołączył(a): 7 lut 2005, 00:14
Posty: 121
Lokalizacja: Jupiter
no mi jakos z mp5 idzie, arabski /nie pamietam nazwy/ tez niczego sobie,
natomiast najgorszy to chyba ten chinski co jak mp40 wyglada :)

AT rulez !!

Twój podpis był sprzeczny z regulaminem i został usunięty. Uapa

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2005, 09:39 
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Dołączył(a): 5 lip 2005, 09:46
Posty: 500
Lokalizacja: Olsztyn
PapiTHC napisał(a):
no mi jakos z mp5 idzie, arabski /nie pamietam nazwy/ tez niczego sobie,
natomiast najgorszy to chyba ten chinski co jak mp40 wyglada :)

AT rulez !!

Arabski to PP-19.Natomiast muszę sie zgodzić do najgorszej skutecznosci chinskiego karabinka

PS:Wow,już 300 postów na forum napisalem 8)


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2005, 09:47 
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Dołączył(a): 18 cze 2005, 01:25
Posty: 150
Lokalizacja: Łorsoł
TotalBF2.com: Can you please comment on "Hit points on all air vehicles have been reduced", Will one tank shell destroy a helicopter, or put it into critical hit points?

Armando: This one is pretty straight forward. Some of the helicopters were more resilient than tanks and as such too difficult to defend against. The hit point reduction balances things out a bit more. Yes, a tank shell will do significant damage to a helicopter. The attack copters will be almost destroyed on impact. While the transport helicopters will take a bit more abuse, but not much.

po patchu zaczynam plowanie na ptaszki w FAVach i innych HUMVEE :twisted: :D


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2005, 09:47 
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Dołączył(a): 7 lut 2005, 00:14
Posty: 121
Lokalizacja: Jupiter
mowisz sezon na latajace bezbronne puszki uwazamy za rozpoczety :twisted:

Twój podpis był sprzeczny z regulaminem i został usunięty. Uapa

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2005, 09:57 
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Dołączył(a): 18 cze 2005, 01:25
Posty: 150
Lokalizacja: Łorsoł
PapiTHC napisał(a):
mowisz sezon na latajace bezbronne puszki uwazamy za rozpoczety :twisted:

oczywiście, po patchu to myśliwy zostanie zwierzyną (wystarczy tylko nie przegrzewać .50 cal i często mamy +4 w punktacji). Średnio uzdolniony pilot nie jest w stanie sobie poradzić z tym CKMem a nowicjusz ... wyrzuca flary :lol:


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2005, 10:03 

Dołączył(a): 14 cze 2005, 09:07
Posty: 872
Lokalizacja: Midlands, UK
A wlasnie zaczynalem nieco grac smiglowcami :lol: No coz.. pogram poki moge :twisted:

BH juz teraz jest dosyc slaby.. mimo to w Masthuur City ciagle da sie nim pograc..


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2005, 10:07 
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Dołączył(a): 7 paź 2005, 23:38
Posty: 1197
Lokalizacja: Piaseczno ;)
Mordoklej napisał(a):
A wlasnie zaczynalem nieco grac smiglowcami :lol: No coz.. pogram poki moge :twisted:

BH juz teraz jest dosyc slaby.. mimo to w Masthuur City ciagle da sie nim pograc..
a co patch ci zabrania latac ?? ja i tak bede latal heli (ganner) ile sie da :lol:


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 22 gru 2005, 10:20 
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Dołączył(a): 18 cze 2005, 01:25
Posty: 150
Lokalizacja: Łorsoł
Mordoklej napisał(a):
A wlasnie zaczynalem nieco grac smiglowcami :lol: No coz.. pogram poki moge :twisted:

BH juz teraz jest dosyc slaby.. mimo to w Masthuur City ciagle da sie nim pograc..

da się jeśli pilot nie chce nim koniecznie przejąć ostatniej flagi wroga, tylko w Masthuur można zobaczyć wspaniały efekt 3-4 rakiet równocześnie trafiających w BH, wypadających z niego SpecOpsów, i poczuć ten dreszczyk (niczym w lotto) kto trafi ostatnią rakietą i zaliczy 4-5 killi :lol:


 Zobacz profil  
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