Zuaw_Smierci napisał(a):
I pomyslec ze Bill Gates kiedys powiedzial, iz nikomu nigdy nie bedzie potrzebne wiecej niz 512 kb (!!!) ramu...
... chyba nie wiedzial ze wyjdzie bf2 ;s
512 KB to mialy Amigi - wypasiony komp konca lat osiemdziesiatych
A Bill Gates powiedzial w roku 1981: "
640KB ought to be enough for anybody"
I nie sadze, zeby kogos zdziwilo za pare lat, ze gra bedzie potrzebowala np. 10 GB RAM
ps. EDIT 64 -> 640
"640K ought to be enough for anybody." and "No one will need more than 637 kb of memory for a personal computer."
Two variants of the same quote. Attributed to him in 1981 when designing DOS's conventional memory limit as ten times the amount in his computer; Gates has denied this quote and mentions that it is always provided without a source. The quote sounds reasonable today, when Gates has so much control over the (personal) computing world, but he was hardly significant enough at the time to influence such issues. In fact, the memory limitation was hardware based: The intel 8086 processor imposed a 1MB memory limit. The 640KB limit came from the inflexible hardware architechture of the early IBM PC.