... accCheck=1
Odpowiedź od d0nny: #329 27/03/07 12:20
I AM NOT CHEATING at all I have recieved a CD KEY(NEW GUID) during I played for team-cZar. This BF2 CD-Key was given by Vandread... The only possible explanation to this is that HE USED THE GIVEN game guid and used what ever...
I have contacted pb and Said that I Havent used any cheats:
"Note #2: The GUID you supplied was logged using a cheat that tried to prevent
detection by PB. The method used is considered by us to interfere with
the way PB is designed to work, therefore violating our EULA.
If you were not cheating, then someone was either using your computer
or your CD key and was caught.
Either way, your GUID was used to try to hack on PB servers and it is
now permanently banned. You may still play on non-PB servers as our
bans only apply to servers with PunkBuster enabled."
During the time I should have cheated I have not been at my Pc and I can announce people who will confirm THAT MY PC HAS NOT BE USED DURING THAT TIME.
I do despise Cheaters and the only way to prove my innocence is, that he(Vandread) admits that he did it...
I have talked with Fighter(Tomi) he confirmed me that he knows that Vandread used Cheats...
I loged in myself in the BF2 Acc Ingame Sunday to play an infwar: I Got Kicked because I should use an aimbot. I thought that this is a stupid bug. I reinstalled Battlefield 2, did a systemrecovery and everything to "remove that bug" Monday I logged in again and I have been permanently banned from Pb... I did't cheat...
The onlything I cant explain myself is that he said Gamert|d0nny cheated because the guy who used an aimbot does not have access to my acc:;que ... accCheck=1
Here you see the names which where used so is it right that one could have used that cd key cheated with nick like google^net and when i logged in myself with gamert|d0nny WITHOUT CHEATS!!! pb already banned me? or how is that possible?
So far I will do everything to prove that myself did't use any unfair methods