Artih napisał(a):
Opisz jeśli możesz tu na forum bo nie każdy chce tam wchodzić i słuchać tego niemieckiego bełkotu (albo przedzierać się przez niego w celu odnalezienia tematu).
W telegraficznym skrocie:
KonewA i Wirret nie widnieja na stronie PRGK, wiec nie moga grac wg CC. CC twierdzi rowniez, ze Helio_Marine, ktory pojawia sie aby zastapic jednego z nich, to Wirret na jego key'u. Rzekomo maja screena z potwierdzajacym takie info ip. Domagaja sie walkowera i dodatkowego ukarania PRGK. Chwilowo screeny tylko do wgladu adminow.
Calosc dla zainteresowanych:
[CC]Asgard napisał(a):
Hereby we’re lodging an official complaint against PRGK-BF for unlawful facts that took place during our latest match against them (Sunday 4 Nov).
1. The Facts
Before the start of the first round we noticed two players on their team, [PRGK-BF]Wirret and [PRGK-BF]Konewa, who are not registered as members on their website (see exhibit °1)
Therefore I told PRGKF that these guys were not eligible to play this match (see exhibit °2)
The first reply we got was that Wirret = Colar (see exhibit °3).
On their request I explained why they couldn't play (see exhibit °4).
They replied by "we don't have a website" and "we don't use it" etc. (see exhibit °5)
Than they asked if we could play on their server first on which we agreed but on the same time we repeated our statement that wirret and Konewa were not eligible to play (see exhibit °6).
After we moved to their server they suddenly said that both players were registered on their website
(see exhibit °7)
We replied that they were not on that list 5 mins ago and that we took a screenshot of it (see exhibit °1 again)
PRGK-BF then told us to give them a minute to find other players and both Wirret and Konewa disconnected.
Barely two minutes later two PRGK-BF players showed up calling [PRGK-BF]Helio_Marine and [PRGK-BF]Tygrys_pl (see exhibit °8).
These guys were registered on their website and so the game was played.
After the game ended we had second doubts about those so called 'new players'
So wanted to give it a double check.
We checked the key hash from Helio_Marine and found it was different than that from Wirret. So nothing suspicious at first sight.
However, after that we took a look at his ip and we found out that both Helio_Marine and Wirret had the same ip (see exhibit 9, 10 and 11: same ip was already connected wright from the beginning).
As for Tygrys_pl we refrain from any comment about him because his ip wasn't on the screenshot we took so we couldn't check him out (see exhibit °10).
2. The Rules
§ 8 Spielberechtigte Spieler:
Alle aktiven Spieler müssen auf der Homepage des Clans verzeichnet sein.
Anwärter dürfen nur mitspielen, wenn sie ein eindeutiges Tag haben,
und nicht bei einem anderen BF1942 Clan im Cup aktiv sind.
> [PRGK-BF]Wirret was not registered on their website as their member yet he did play.
§ 10 Cheaten:
tut hier eh keiner und wenn kann man es eh nich beweisen. Falls doch, werden sich die Admins wie üblich eine gerechte Strafe ausdenken.
Dies kann von Spielerausschluß bis Minus-Punkte alles bedeuten. Siehe auch § 17.
> In our opinion they tried to lie to us by saying that both Wirret and Konewa were registered on their official website (after they had edited it straight after our remarks at the beginning of the game). They did not know at the time, that we had a screenshot of their memberlist just before the game. We constitute this fact as a lie to get both wirret and konewa to play the game
The second case of cheating, in our opnion is much more serious, as it shows that Wirret fake nicked his name to Helio Marine (who is a registerd member on their official site), in order to still participate in this match.
Rules are very clear and should be known to all before the start of the tournament.
3. Our suggestions
1. In first order: Forfeit win for CC
> The end result (draw) could only be established by using a player who was not eligible to play in this match.
Due the tricks they used on us (adjusting website + fake nicking) we would like to claim a forfeit win. On a side note: the accused player had a decisive role in the match as he twice finished first on their team.
2. In second order: Additional punishment for PRGK-BF
> In our opinion the facts speak for themselves and are a clear breach of the memo rules.
Therefore, in addition of losing their match by forfeit, we would like to ask the memo admins to set an example to others.
We felt we had no other choice than filling this complaint. We feel that the proof that we are delivering is solid and sufficient enough for the memo admin team to take the correct action.
If you have any further questions regarding this case don’t hesitate to contact us.
The Conclave