F:\Gry\Battlefield 2142\mods\clanmod\settings ( moja sciezka u Ciebie bedzie inaczej )
# This is the Clan mod's server settings.
# Check the server readme for more information about the settings.
# clanmod=1, demorec=0, commander + infantry_only + flag_by_flag LOCKED (value 0 or 3), pause=0, pb_screens=0
# clanmod=1, settingchange=1, mapchange=1, commander + infantry_only + flag_by_flag + double_assault UNLOCKED (value 1 or 2), pause=1, pb_screens=1, serverlock=0
# ------------------------------
# Clan mod in-game chat administration (!ready, !check etc) global setting. ( 0 = off, 1 = on)
clanmod = 1
# Allow change of general server settings if both teams agree. ( 0 = No, 1 = Yes). !timelimit XX & !setting <sv.xxxx>=<NEW_VALUE>
settingchange = 1
# Allow map change using !map command, if both teams agree. ( 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 2 = Yes, but no Northern Strike maps). !map <mapname> [size] [game mode]
mapchange = 1
# Allow Demo recording through chat command accessible by any player (0 = No, 1 = Yes). !demo <NAME> or !record <NAME>, !stop. Read notes at the end of this file!
demorec = 0
# Commander mode on/off. ( 0 = NO commanders (**), 1 = No commanders is default (*) , 2 = Commanders allowed by default (*) , 3 = Commanders always allowed (**))
commander = 1
# Infantry only ( 0 = Vehicles always allowed (**), 1 = Vehicles allowed by default (*), 2 = Infantry only by default (*), 3 = Always infantry only (**))
infantry_only = 2
# Flag By Flag (FBF) mode activated if available. (0 = Always normal conquest (**), 1 = Normal conquest by default (*), 2 = FBF by default (*), 3 = Always FBF, if available (**))
flag_by_flag = 2
# Double Assault (DASS) mode activated if available. (0 = Always headon (**), 1 = Headon by default (*), 2 = Double Assault by default (*), 3 = Always Double Assault, if available (**), 4 = Old style, headon on some, DASS on the rest (*))
double_assault = 2
# Pause/Unpause through chat/rcon (0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled)
pause = 1
# Allow !ss command to capture PunkBuster screenshots ( 0 = No, 1 = Yes)
pb_screens = 1
# Prevent players from changing teams. ( 0 = off, 1 = on after !lock command, 2 = always on)
serverlock = 0
# Recommended server lock value: 0
# (*) = Can be changed in the chat if both teams agree.
# (**) = Can NOT be changed in chat whatsoever.
# You need to start a new demo recording each round.
# You can not start recording during countdown - wait until you've spawned.
# If you set demorec=0, you can still use the normal way of recording demos in 2142.
# If you set demorec=1, you can still use the normal way of recording demos in 2142, BUT anyone can abort the recording with !stop, !demo or !record.
# Read more in the Server readme.
http://www.BF2142.se/clanmod/ for further information and forums!
version = 3.0
# Don't change the version manually - it is used to check if you have the correct version of the clanmod.con file or not.