Prawdopodobne zmiany odnośnie medyka:
The medics will probably get:
6 field dressings (up from 5)
4 smoke grenades (up from 2)
10 charges for defribilator (up from 6)
All good, but the next change is the big one here. In previous releases, in order to revive someone, you have to be extremely well coordinated and on the ball. Being able to identify when a squad member goes down, identifying what took them out, doing the right action (fall back, surpress the enemy, pop smoke & wait, then move in and revive) BEFORE the wounded time runs out is such a strong demand that it makes the class very very difficult, specially when more than one soldier is down at the same time.
The change involves bumping the respawn time to 60 seconds (for now) so the medics have a bigger interval to revive his team members. But wait, no need to panic. When down, the SUICIDE button changes to GIVE UP that the player can click to go from critically wounded to the killed state. The timer is then switched to the normal spawn time of 30 seconds (plus other penalties) minus the time the player has already waited.
Players who are killed straight out (headshot, died in a vehicle, died by explosion, etc) won't get the extended critically wounded time and will go directly to the standard killed time of 30 seconds (plus other penalties).
So if you don't have a medic around, you can bypass the extended time and go to the normal spawn time we already have today. But if your medic is still up, you may want to not give up that soon and that may save your squad from moving all the way from main base again or something like that.
Another change was to reduce the health after revived to the "black vision" state, so it won't be a good idea to jump up and run away. Let the medic get you the first aid and after your vision comes back to normal it's ok to move to a safer location. Just a more "realistic" behavior we want from soldiers coming out of a critical wound.