Kolejny nazistowski skandal. W tym miejscu chciałbym pozdrowić dyżurnego nazola tegoż serwera, Grabbiego słowami: ********* się *mama zabroniła mi przeklinać* szkopski *mama zabroniła mi przeklinać*, **** ci w nos bękarcie hitlera, i takie tam
Ta ***** Grabbi oraz Gravedigger to najwięksi kłamcy, manipulatorzy oraz przede wszystkim HIPOKRYCI i kryptonaziści całego PFC. Przez całą dyskuję, której fragmenty wam tu wkleję umyślnie manipulowali cytatami z "LOG-ów" - wybiórczo pokazując jedynie te linijki tekstu, w których odpowiadałem obrażającym Polskę i Polaków graczom podobnymi co oni słowy, lecz jedynie w celach dydaktycznych, żeby unaocznić im jak niemiłe jest to zachowanie.
Nigdy nie posłużyłem się brzydkimi słowy niesprowokowany! Przez całą dyskusję, jak możecie zauważyć bardzo ostrożnie dobierałem słowa specjalnie tłumiąc z niezwykłym trudem swoje emoje, po to by nie dać tym *mama zabroniła mi przeklinać* pretekstu do bana. Ostatecznie ostałem zbanowany. Nie dość, że mnie bezpodstawnie zbanowano, to jeszcze celowo usunięto wszelkie ślady tej dyskusji. Wszystkie wątki na forum (bodaj 3: 2 w complaints area i jeden w sekcji polskiej) usunięto po to, by nikt nie mógł przeczytać dyskusji i zobaczyć na własne oczy jakimi są kłamcami, manipulatorami i hipokrytami oraz by nie mógł ocenić sam za siebie, czy prawdą jest to co o moim zachowaniu tam wypisywali. Najbardziej zdaje się zdenerwował ich post, w którym napisałem im, że nie mają prawa mówić ludziom co mają myśleć na mój temat i mają prawo wglądu w ową dyskusję. Istna "policja myśli" rodem z Orwell'a.
Mam to do siebie, że kocham swój kraj i nie potrafię, w przeciwieństwie do co poniektórych "polaków" grających na PFC udawać, że pada deszcz kiedy szwabskie świnie bezczelnie plują mi w twarz. Tacy "rodacy" doprawdy godni są pogardy, gdy nie reagują jak obraża się ich język, czy narodowość, czy zezwala się na wychwalanie nazistów.
Pewnie nie ustrzegłem się baboli, ale mam nadzieję, że zrozumiecie mój przekaz. Znajomość angielskiego wskazana. Oto fragmenty, które udało mi się zapisać zanim mnie bezpodstawnie zbanowano. Miłej lektury:
Hi everyone!
Today on PFC we witnessed a scandal beyond any imagination.
At one moment we were "honored" to be joined by a player whose nick was SeppDietrich.
I struggled like half an hour or so, trying to make ADMINS do their damn DUTY and kick (despite the PFC rules say "ban", so i was quite merciful for this scumbag anyway) that player. NONE of the ADMINS present on the server was willing to do their damn job. Grabbi only lanuched a voting about whether players do or not do want that player kicked. The poll ended with failure, so the player stood in game. After a couple of minutes he decided to leave himself, but that doesn't mean ADMINS did their DUTY.
Now fora few quotings from the very PFC rules:
User names whether in forum or on game server (nickname) associated with war crimes in any kind will be banned or deleted immediately!
http://www.pixel-fighter.com/modules.ph ... pic&t=1772Now, for all those historical IGNORANTS who said Sepp Dietrich is not a nazi nickname, defended him and attacked me in a very disrespectful manner (btw I'd like to say FUCK YOU ALL, I HOPE YOU ROT IN HELL 4 that):
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josef_DietrichNow, another sentence from PFC forum this time:
We take your complaints very respectfully!
I hope you did, unfortunatelly I can't believe it anymore after what I've witnessed today on PFC server.
Now, just to give you a background for this very player and Grabbi's behaviour (today he acted as if he didn't remember that player which is a lie, as there has been a serious big-time affair regarding him and TDP server as well):
Hi everyone! Firstly, I'd like to apologize for putting this topic into this specific forum, I know it's completely off the subject, but it's the only forum here I guess that is most general (i.e. international) and I need it to be that way so anyone can see how is an ordinary player treated on TDP server.
Just a few minutes ago, while playing on TDP server, I noticed this guy nicknamed SeppDietrich. As all you know, this scumbag was an SS general and as such, obviously a nazi.
I thought something's wrong here. I was pretty sure that TDP is a civilized modern server with the same common rules as on other civilized servers. So I asked TDP admins (Volkssturm and Rotti) that were acctually in, playing, if it is allowed to have a nazi nickname. And if not, whats this Sepp still doing here. They were pretending they cant see my question. So I tried to type in big letters. Didn't help. Than they started saying something in german which I dont understand and they knew it quite well, as I'm a frequent player there and they have never had any problems with talking in english BTW.
One player named MADMAX sort of tried to help i suppose he asked them in german but it didnt help either. After a while I suppose they kicked me for supposedly spamming. I decided to change my nickname to Hermann Goering and see what happens when I enter. I was obviosuly kicked for having a forbidden nickname. Then finally, with a nickname of Joseph Dietrich (practically no different than SeppD.) I rejoined the server. After announcing to Volkssturm that I had written their server rules on their website and that in paragraph 2. it says
THIS He went on being rude, calling me names and insulting me (as he did earlier) and I then finally got banned. I gotta mention that I was trying to be polite all the time and not to solve the problem in harms way. Now don't you think it's not the way you should treat your frequenter or any ordinary player?
***Please, do not censor my post, it is in bad style communist-like behaviour.
Could you, please, translate whatch Volkssturm meant in his post, as I do not know german language? Thank you
P.S. If Volkssturm does not sypmathize with neonazis, then why did he went so nervous about me asking why did he let that player in, with his clear evident nazi nickname - Sepp Dietrich?
Your own server rules are as follows (direct quotation):
It is not allowed to verbally attack other players on the servers. Nor is it allowed to have a nick that can offend others. Racism will get you banned permanently.
(Other players' mothers shouldn't be insulted either. If you want to use a nickname that is racist or in some other way offensive - then this is ok as long as you don't use it on our servers. To be nicknamed after genitals is offensive. To be nicknamed after people where history tells us they did something illegal, bestial or cruel is also offensive. An admin will decide whether your nick is offensive.)
Well, this Sepp Dietrich nickname breaks this server rule in few cruxial points:
firstly, it is obviously offensive to other players, especially those of nationalities that experiened so much suffering from nazi Germans in WW2; secondly, it is certainly racist, as the nazi ideology and nazis themselves were total racists (especially antijewish) so that player should get banned permanently; Sepp Dietrich as a nazi most certainly did something illegal, bestial and cruel.
And last, but not least - me, I did not do anything, literally anything that would qualify me to be permanently banned (as I am till now) but even simply kicked. I was not rude, nor was I offending other players. And Volk did ban me for literally nothing. Even though I was trying to prevent this rule of your server to be broken. Greetings.
Have a nice think on this subject.
P.S. Normally I woulnd't give a shit, but TDP is the only server where I can play. I've got an old PC and when I enter PFC server, I'm getting like 3 fps and total lag, because there are so many players (60 or so). On TDP there were usually like 10 up to 20 players, so I could play pretty normally.
I've heard from PFC Grabbi that Volkssturm got a full time job on PFC server, so he will be, as I understand, spending most of his time there on PFC, not TDP, so if you unbanned me, we wouldn't even see each other, so that it would be impossible for us to have an argument or whatever. Please consider this, as I was your loyal frequent player, obeying server rules, for a long time.
Have a nice day.
Now last but not least: I'd like to make my appeal to PFC ADMINS - please, respect your own rules, respect other players' feelings, the fact that they might feel offended by the very presence of such a nicknamed person on the server, and simply DO YOUR JOB, execute the server law as you should. THANK YOU.
As in previous topic, so in that one in polish section - you haven't given me any chance to answer to your accusasions, so:
Just another example of how you people manipulate facts.
- Yes I did use nazi nickname, but not on PFC but on TDP and i clearly admitted that in that "TDP nazi scandal" quotation - it shows how "nice" you read my posts and how selective memory you have. I used them ONLY twice just to show Volkssturm on an example, that nazi nicknames are not funny. He clearly didn't understad, because he let Sepp Dietrich be, instead he got me banned for litterally no reasonable reason. So here's another manipulation in which you try to make me look like guilty. All those things I've said bout Volk defending nazis was obviously on TDP and I certainly had a reason; don't pretend you dont remember because I made a lot of noise back then, and this is descrobed in one of my quotations in the locked topic. Just read it.
It seemed clearly to me that he defended this nazi nickname user, so it;s understandable that I went very angry about him not only not doing anything about it, but even banning me for daring to ask him politely to kick that player.
And it's obviously not truth what you've said about me alledgedly writing of those issues @TDP forum, because they never accepted my registration (permission needed) AFAIR.
@Gravedigger -
we also accept a challenge, even when it is mentally!
I appreciate your "warm" words... It tells a lot about you. There's one saying which goes like: "Power [over people] corrupts, total power corrupts totally". And also an Adolf Hitler nickname doesnt say "Adolf is the best cause he is a German/Austrian who murdered more people on planet Earth than any other man" it just says "Adolf Hitler", but still you would ban a man with that nick. So, I don't see any connection between SeppDietrich and what you've written in your previous comment.
I hope at least this one time you let myl word to be final before you lock this topic as well, not yours.
Hi there.
Today at about 14:00 GMT a player called "Something" was constantly ridiculing Polish language, and thus insulting all the Polish players present on the server then.
There were plenty of admins then, but none of them was willing to take action.
I'd be thankful If u at least told him not to act this way againt
Thank you
Hi there.
Today at about 14:00 GMT a player called "Something" was constantly ridiculing Polish language, and thus insulting all the Polish players present on the server then.
There were plenty of admins then, but none of them was willing to take action.
I'd be thankful If u at least told him not to act this way againt
Thank you
Odp. Grabbiego (zwróćcie uwagę jak ten ********* manipulator wybiórczo wkleja wycinki z LOG-ów, pokazuje dopiero moją odpowiedź na zaczepki tego upośledzonego gracza, kiedy byłem już zrezygnowany, bo żaden z adminów nie reagował; co ciekawe na pytania czy są adminami itd. od razu niemal odpisywali, natomiast kiedy im napisałem co ten bęcwał wyrabia i poprosiłem by coś zrobili [powtarzałem się parę razy] udawali, że są ślepi, dosłownie zero odzewu]):
18.09.2010 15:14:49 : # [Global] dziubekŽ: ja wohl her sieg heil
18.09.2010 15:14:55 : User East Prussia at said '[BFSM] dziubek kicked for disrupting gameplay'.
18.09.2010 15:15:01 : # [Global] dziubekŽ: :O.o
18.09.2010 15:15:07 : # [Global] dziubekŽ: something started
18.09.2010 15:15:07 : # [Global] Something: lol
18.09.2010 15:15:09 : User East Prussia at kicked player dziubek (ee4ef25ccd78736aec62bab6e4b28667) at for disrupting gameplay.
18.09.2010 15:15:10 : # [Global] dziubekŽ: ffs
18.09.2010 15:15:15 : Smart-balance is enabled and teams are unbalanced, engaging auto-team-balance.
ok show is OVER !
User account deactivated due spamming in forum
CD-Key account banned permanently due disruptive behaviour, nazi language AND insulting ppl constanly.
We dont ban ppl just because U don t like them & we have no time for such a kiddy show, yesterday was already enough in forum & server !
Thread closed
update: zampomniałem dopisać, że wątków było aż 3 czy 4 bo te *mama zabroniła mi przeklinać* spod znaku swastyki blokowały wątek jak tylko "odpierdnęły" swoje 3 grosze, nie dając mi nawet możliwości odniesienia się do tych ich bezczelnych, kłamliwych zarzutów.