Do you remember? Some time ago we have present you the custom maps "Peliliu", "Westerplatte", "Grodno" from the Mappack 5, created by the -=PFC=- Mapping Crew. Now we have some more map previews or leaks for you. This new maps we want to play weekly at the mappack days online. Our aim it is, we want to exciting and got more people on the Server to play online together. We have enough slots, for all your friends you bring? The maps have her own features what it makes unique.
The first two maps of the series are "Kuban",it will be this year released. You can find the feature moving clouds in all Mappack 5 maps as standard. This map is a tank battle in the woods map. It bets an exciting fight between russians against germans. You have many hide opportunities. Both teams have a uncapable mainbase. The map has CONQUEST Support.
The second present Map is the "Panzeralarm". This map plays in the russian fields and deal between the tank fight from the germans against russians. The map looks like the famous "Kharkov Outkirts 1943" map. The germans start from her uncapable mainbase and try to fight the comming russian troops for go the way to moscow. Both teams have tanks and Artillery fire. The russians have also an uncapable base. As result you have an intensive fight till the end. Watch out! This map has some of wholes what could be stop your attacking tank. Make yourself experience and play it. You can register on the -=PFC=- Forum and test the maps and post your feedback there about it? There your address:
click for register
Where you can Download the cool Forgotten Hope 0.7 and the special -=PFC=- and Filefront custom maps?
1.) Battlefield 1942
2.) Online Patch:
Download3.) Forgotten Hope 0.7:
Download4.) PFC Custom Maps & Filefront Custom Maps: to: 4.) Unzip if necessary and put the map (file ending .rfa) in your levels folder: ..\Battlefield 1942\Mods\FH\Archives\bf1942\levels\
If it is too much work for you to install a map. Or you haven't an idea how to install a map? We recommend you the "toolbox"! If do you want to start Forgotten Hope 0.7? Do it with the Toolbox! It is in your language install and available. Because, if do you need a map, the toolbox download it for you automaticly. Choose your way to play?
Toolbox for Windows XP Veterans: for Windows 7/8/10 Veterans:
1.) for lazy people the complete FH 0.7 edition Part 1:
Download2.) optional Mappacks Part 2:
DownloadPlease do a "right click" to your bf1942.exe on the Desktop and turn the Compatibility to "Win98" and "run it always as Admin". After then your "lazy people edition" 1+2 red works fine.