Also, I have personally seen servers shut down who violate the ROC. The trick is to get the right evidence. You have to get screenshots of the admins of the server actively enforcing the rules that violate the ROC. If that means using your claymores on a K/P server just to get banned, then that's what you've got to do. Get a screenshot of the kick message (or a warning from the admin) saying you are only allowed to use knives and pistols (this is just one example, there are many other rules that some server admins enforce that violate the ROC). That usually does the trick. But bear in mind, it usually takes at least a week for the full investigation to be completed, and they aren't going to inform you of the result due to privacy issues. You have to moniter the server yourself to see when it gets shut down.
Also, use this link when reporting:
http://support. ea.com/cgi-bin/ea.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php? p_faqid=11549
Be sure to include:
Server IP
Time of offense
Server name
Type of offense
Screenshot of scrolling rules or of kick or warning message that shows them enforcing the rules that violate ROC
Screenshot of main score screen
Screenshot of people as they engage in K/P or stat padding activity