matzo, jeszcze raz powoli, bo widze, ze sie nie rozumiemy na bardzo elementarnym poziomie.
Tak, PB ma zapisane hashe md5 plikow, badz ich fragmentow (pamietne antykonfigowe akcje w BF2 na niektorych serwerach) i w trakcie gry sprawdza zgodnosc tych hashy z tym co dany gracz ma u siebie w folderze, co zapobiega ingerencji w pliki gry, np podmiane tekstur postaci na jaskrawo zolte. AFAIK, za md5tools leca glownie kicki, a nie bany.
Oprocz tego PB skanuje uruchomione procesy oraz pamiec (byc moze cos wiecej, nigdy mnie to jakos nie interesowalo) w poszukiwaniu "program signatures" (jakos polskie tlumaczenia, ktore przychodza mi do glowy nie oddaja sensu). Bo jak wiadomo kazdy program zostawia swoj slad w pamieci/stosie systemowym.
Gdyby PB mialo dostep tylko i wylacznie do folderu z gra to aimbota trzymalbys w innym folderze i PB nic by nie moglo z tym zrobic.
A pozwac nikogo nie mozna, bo zgadzasz sie na to instalujac PB
PB EULA napisał(a):
Licensee further acknowledges and accepts that PunkBuster software may be considered invasive. Licensee understands that PunkBuster software inspects and reports information about the computer on which it is installed to other connected computers and Licensee agrees to allow PunkBuster software to inspect and report such information about the computer on which Licensee installs PunkBuster software. Licensee understands and agrees that the information that may be inspected and reported by PunkBuster software includes, but is not limited to, Licensee's Internet Protocol Address, devices and any files residing on the hard-drive and in the memory of the computer on which PunkBuster software is installed. Licensee acknowledges and agrees that if Licensee does not want Licensor to collect and process such information, Licensee should not use the PunkBuster software. Further, Licensee consents to allow PunkBuster software to transfer actual screenshots taken of Licensee's computer during the operation of PunkBuster software for possible publication. Licensee understands that the purpose and goal of PunkBuster is to ensure a cheat-free environment for all participants in online games. Licensee agrees that the invasive nature of PunkBuster software is necessary to meet this purpose and goal. Licensee agrees that any harm or lack of privacy resulting from the installation and use of PunkBuster software is not as valuable to Licensee as the potential ability to play interactive online games with the benefits afforded by using PunkBuster software.